Just enjoy the fishing while you can. When the waterskier comes out , who is a summer cabin local, then either fish out of a larger boat or stop fishing there. By then there are Springs to target in the Fraser or Bows in Kamloops, so I don't go to that Lake any more after that.
The waterskier has a summer cabin at the lake, so he's go all the rights to the lake as a fisherman does. Personnaly I can, and do, respect the waterskier. Think about it. And you can fish when he's out there. He typically stays to his one route - so just keep out of his way when he comes out onto the water. No big deal. It's all about courtesy and respect.
There is a sign at the aprking lot that does say something about a speed limit or appropriate speed clause and some other guidelines that most people usually ignore.
There are too many restrictions everywhere - we don't need more. We just need to use our heads.
Let's just be thankfull that we still have public access to that lake.
I'm certainly not going to piss in anyones cereal just because they want to use a lake differently than you do. It's public. You have a choice of either using it or not - let's leave it that way.
That's my 2-bits.