Life is brutal, we do much worse to people. Did you start a petition when the slaughter...errr ethnic cleansing went on in Africa or E. Europe? Is murder with axes and machetes for non food sources less offense???
It is a food source over there, It's not pretty but is slashing the gills out of a salmon or steelhead and watching it flop around on the shore and better??? How many videos of heartless Canadian/U.s. fisherman are there on the internet now???
Birdman, remember how you got dogged about that picture you took??? Now you know why we did it....You could have been a poster child for these guys!!!
That was ridiculous. I take the damn picture off. Everyone deletes there post then someone makes a whole fricken new thread to rip on me some more. Joke. There is such worse issues out there but everyone has nothing better to do then whine about non-problems like that I guess.
No ones ripping you for it now...that's why I said to take it off...we knew you were being a goof, but as you can see, some people will go out of their way to take a shot like that and run with it...
As far as humane ways to kill, kind of an oxymoron...your killing, I think everyone forgets that animals go into shock as well as humans... it sucks to kill any creature that way, but most of what your watching is the after the animal is dead...Like I said earlier, when you bonk (humane way to kill) your fish, then you bleed it...and when I'm even done cleaning it, I've had fish still flopping...doesn't mean it's still alive and feeling that!!! Not making judgment calls on how other nationalities kill their animals because it can be thrown right back in our faces....Tough when they are flipper...but damn...they are not slaughtering them for fun, they are a major food source...our beef, chicken and turkeys don't die pretty either...