Ive lived here in Mission now for 14 years ,and have explored that area a lot.It seems people think that once out their door anything goes,this area has degraded badly ever since access on the internet has exposed it
.Between Davis lake area,and Berma rd on Stave lake,have been stolen vehicle dumping grounds for years now,its not an uncommon site to see burnt vehicles there almost on a daily basis(ICBC i believe has a recovery program now that gets the junk out pretty quick) I started fishing Big Silver 11 years ago,and on any given sunday you were lucky to see 6 other vehicles.Now its a bloomin 4 lane hwy,and with that comes the a_____s and their garbage.The perfect example of that is Lester(i think thats his name) leaves his trailert at Big Silver for a couple of hours,comes back and the thing is burnt to the ground
.Took my son many years ago up Terropoki creek as a walk in,an area where no 1 fished,had a plane fly over the trees about 200 feet following the creek,next time i went in, there were dew worm containers,pop cans,and general garbage laying everywhere
Where has the COMMON SENSE in people gone.These resourses are only going to take care of us, if WE TAKE CARE OF THEM