Hello fishers. I noticed that some of commented on pike fishing. Well, over on this side of the rockies, pike fishing opened on May 7th. From my past 2 years of pike fishing I know now that those monster fish you see in pictures are rare. And I didnt' get one today, but I had a great time wading one of those prairie lakes and snapping photos. Basically, wading works pretty well as these lakes are shallow and you can walk out at least 100 feet.
Here is a picture of the lake that we fished (Eagle lake 50 km east of Calgary). It looks really nice, but keep in mind this lake is no more than 15 feet deep, so it warms up and is covered in green by the middle of summer.
This lake has so much nutrient in it, maybe run off from the surrounding ranches?
Anyhow, it makes for prolific scud growth. Too bad no trout could survive that lake. By the way, those are my new simms freestone waders that I really like better than my bare neoprenes. Only 89$.
These are some of the flys used. The streamer is pretty typical, however it is known that a large pike will sometimes take a small muskrat or duckling off the surface. I have seen pike eat these deerhair mice for sure!
And finally, the only pike of the day caught by my buddy of course.
The fish was released... Have you ever tried pike? YUCK!
Mr. 5