One fishery for all!
"Consultations took place here in British Columbia, with both First Nations and commercial fishing stakeholders. Without their participation, we would not be here with this plan today."
I wish they weren't here, because they didn't even mention sportfishing...Minister Hearn clear out your desk.
From the other all.
"A key component of effective Pacific integrated commercial fisheries is to increase the involvement of fishers in the management of the fisheries, and to move toward clear harvest sharing arrangements for the salmon fishery. The long-term goal is for all participants in the commercial fishery to manage their respective shares cooperatively, in ways that ensure fairness, the conservation of the resource, the sustainability of the fishery and a stable economic return for all participants, while taking into account the need to provide access for First Nations fishing for food, social and ceremonial purposes, and
recreational harvesters.
So were
recreational harvesters Thats sporting a term for bottom bouncing
Glad they even considered us "recreational harvesters". Guess they didn't want it confused with real fishing like wiping them out with nets, I mean conserving the cooperative stable economic return. Who writes this stuff.