A few years ago, a seasoned camp chef was overheard explaining how to cook Pink on a plank. "First, you have to catch Pink," he told his companion. "It’s harder than it sounds as they are wily, and a tough fighter. You want one that is about four pounds. Fillet the Pink and stake it to a plank preferably apple, peach, alder or cedar. Place the planked Pink in a large pan and pour in enough cheap, but drinkable, red wine to cover. A half gallon should do it, as that way you have some left over to drink. Marinate planked Pink in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours. Remove planked Pink from the refrigerator, and fire up the grill.
"Cook the planked Pink. When it’s done, remove the Pink from the plank and throw the Pink away. Eat the plank accompanied by some more of the cheap red wine."
An oldy but goody