Hey guys, new to the forum and the lower mainland fishing scene. I got my boat out to cates park today to try my luck with the pinks, I tried buzz bombs, zingers, spoons in orange/red blue and green, even tried spinners with gold blades and nothing, got one little bite all day. I did get out a little later cause the wife wanted to sleep in with me this morning.
Only saw one guy in a boat net a fish. I didn't see the bonking/snagging thing you described, I went towards the ironworkers to try fishing closer that direction and when I was returned the park area I thought I saw the DFO RHIB being put up on a trailer at the launch. Did they come and do the rounds?
As for the fish being little teasers, yup!
It was beautiful to see them rolling and jumping just out of arms reach right in front of me on the water, I haven't been that close to salmon since I was growing up on the skeena.
Well, I guess I'll try my luck over the week. It's too bad work keeps me off the water for most of the day, wave hi if you see two people in a inflatable with a small evinrude johnson outboard on the back, one fishing and one crocheting, I think we'll be hanging around the park this week in the evening.
If anyone sees me (or me and my wife) out on the water in our little 8ft inflatable with a even smaller evinrude junior motor, wave hi