redside hit the nail on the head, the trout and steelhead monies that are generated through Licence sales will be sorely missed, as for the Vedder, Harrison, Chehalis, and various other rivers, the main problem will still be snagging there, i am not one of the voiciferous FEW on the websites that want to stop BBing on the Fraser, but when it comes to the Vedder Canal and other stacking spots, we as a group of educated anglers have to combat it there with intelligent techniques. When it starts, im hoping Chris ,Gywn, Rod and the vocal group will get out to these spots and teach people to fish ethically, drift and spin casting techniques to catch fish legally. In the past ive seen reports of anglers watching and not doing anything, this is where i hope the anti flossing group will concentrate and give credibility to their cause, they hopefully will be funded for this and supported completely, what do you think about that??? feasable or am i dreaming
Thanks for the suggestion and a very good idea Cammer but I think the Drift Fishers have a program already in place called Pathway to Fishing. This would be a perfect place to put this program into place as they would have the experience and man power to do what you have suggestion.
I trust you will pass your suggestion on to the chair of this committee and let us know when it starts and maybe some from this forum would like to take part in one way or another.
Thanks again for this great idea.