Because you might not think about it. See Bill's comments.
Please find attached the press notice from the Fraser Panel this date. Please take note of the extended seine and gillnet fisheries that have been approved for the U.S. waters. The head of the Canadian Panel had to agree to this.
You will note that they claim non-retention of Sockeye, a very sick joke in the gillnet fishery. They use at least 200 fathoms of net, monofilament generally, with 90 meshes deep and a two hour drift in the ocean.
They may not retain the Sockeye but it matters little as they all will be dead.
You will note that gillnets and seines are open until Monday Sept 3 in areas 6, 7 & 7A - Off Point Roberts adjacent to the mouth of the Fraser. In areas 4B, 5, and 6C gillnets have been extended until noon next Wednesday.
So not only does DFO continue to approve the killing of the Sockeye they claim to care so much about, but they allow major extensions on the commercial U.S. harvest of Pink Salmon while they continue to keep the recreational fishery in the Fraser River at 2 per day, "until they can get a run size". It seems they don't need run sizes for those very selective gillnets but this highly efficient "non selective", (by DFO definition) sport fishery that might, I mean MIGHT encounter 50 Sockeye over the next month, is restricted because I guess we are Canadian.
Bill Otway