Yesterday while fishing the lower Fraser I got a license and gear check by a DFO. I had been there for a couple of hours, without a hook-up and had got a little experimental and placed a single jensen egg on the hook of a home-made spoon (even though it killed the spoon's action some). The DFO was surprised and wasn't even sure whether that be a violation of the bait ban so he had to call that one in, and was told that indeed, the ban includes artificial eggs. He was a good sport about it and only asked me to stop using the egg (I had everything else OK).
Until yesterday, my concept of bait was limited to "biological" bait whether is live or dead (worms, insects, fish, chiken, shrimps, etc), not to artificial stuff like rubber eggs or rubber worms, for me those are nothing but another type of lure. The definition of bait in the dictionary is: "food used to entice fish or other animals as prey", but again, food could be anything for a fish. I could not find any clear definition in the fishing regulations and I am still curious on whether that was the right call by DF.
Anybody's got info on this? Thanks,