Roche Lake this past weekend.
Leaderboard as of Saturday... A few more fish were caught, including this 4.3lb pig.
My fish held up as the big fish`o`the weekend despite being outweighed by over a pound.
The tourney was judged by length.
I think one of the keys was trolling well into my backing. I am a poor caster and slapping the water around these spooky fish was just not working. I put a leech on, let out a LOT of line and varied speed, patterns, structure etc...
The fish were not actively feeding. Gut checks of the little guys I caught revealed emptiness. The bonked fish that were gutted had NOTHING in them. No scuds, diatoms or anything else.
One fish (the big one pictured above was the only fish with stuff in its guts. Little snail like things...that was it. I was happy to get into a half dozen fish this weekend.
As the leaderboard showed, it was slim pickins...Like I said though, a few more fish were caught, but the good folks had the sense to throw them back if they were not going to alter the standings.
I took home a cool trophy, a motomaster eliminator and few other odds and ends as the winner. I am looking forward to establishing a dynasty here.
Not bad for someone who started fly fishing in May this year!