Fished the Vedder today from the Alison Pool to the Canal (KWB).
Choice of Terminal Tackle? ROE!!
I got a beautiful chrome jack spring in the upper. Stopping at Freds, I asked what the conditions were like in the lower river. "Kieth Wilson Bridge" was the reply. As I was fishing with my Dad, I thought it would be a good idea. He has had a Cardiac condition, and his equilibrium is off due to his medications; he gets dizzy quite easily, and tires quickly. I must admit, I know I may sound like a snob, but I have turned my nose up at KWB suggestion before. Today was not about me though; it was a day out for my Dad. Let me say 3 words about the fishing KWB; "Oh my God". There were waves of pinks surging up river. Many of them not a rods length from shore. The fishing was fast and furious during this time.
It was not long before we were into Pinks. I noticed Dad changing up his roe every 3rd cast or so. So I went over and tied a "JS Special" wool tie for my Dad. The next cast - COHO. He was almost in tears as he has not had such a fish in about a decade. He hasn't lost his touch though. With firm but steady rod pressure, he allowed the fish to run when he needed it to, but in short time he eased the fish to the beach.
I met Chris Gadsen face to face. It was a pleasure to meet you. Your work for the resource is very much appreciated. I also met "Birdman" (I can't remember your name), but in no time, he was showing my Dad and I what a great angler he is.
There were some not so pleasant incidents at the river. We got "corked" by a couple of Bottom Bouncers. I knew we were going to have trouble when I saw the bouncing betty at the tip of the rod, and he was holding on to the leader by the reel. The hook was trailing about 4 feet behind him. He stepped in front of my Dad, right on top of his roe tub. Of course my Dad being the outspoken type, called him on it. Words were exchanged. I guess he figured, "He's just an old man", and got a little lippy with him. Unfortunately for him, I was about 50 feet away from my Dad; lets just say my bite is very much worse than my bark; and my bark can be fierce. So, for some reason, the bottom bouncer skulked away.
When they left, three new fishermen came by. They were fishing with a float, a long leader with a Krocodile and 3 jensen eggs on the hook. I went to them and asked how long they had been fishing. "This is our first year", they said in very thick Indo Canadian accents. I asked if they wouldn't mind me showing them how to rig up for the river? "Please do", was the reply. So 3 more "JS Special" wool ties were rigged up. I showed them that the leader only needed to be no more than 2 feet, and how to short float. My Dad and I left very shortly after setting them up. The smiles were very broad as they too were into fish as we were leaving. So the balance of life seemed to equalize.
In short, we left the river with one Jack Spring, one Coho, and 2 silver Pinks.