Rain and wind now but river was still fishable when I left.
Maple Leaf DNE float went down a few times with one chinook jack landed. 2:40 got one also.
Also while checking the time on my Ceil phone the MLDNE float down for a few seconds, finally I pull and have my biggest coho salmon on of the season
but I had hooked it in the pectoral fin.
Had I flossed it, I doubt it as the water is so slow in the water we are fishing. What most likely happened I took so long to set the hook the fish had just spit out the hook and when I set it the hook the hook found the body of the fish.
I did not have to release it as the hook came out as I got it near the shore.
No flossing thread out of this please.
If you have a chance to get out this afternoon I would as if the rain falls like they say it may be the end of the coho season on the Chilliwack Vedder for 2008.