Hey Dereke...I fillet the fish..place one fillet down flesh up on a baking tray...pack it with a thin layer of course salt....then add twice as much sugar. Then I pack another fillet with salt, add a bit more sugar to the first fillet, then place the second fillet flesh down on the first. Then cover with seran,, and put some weight on it (mason jars filled with water etc.
Fridge it over night - the solids will turn to liquid. Take it out....rinse it off gently..pat it dry..let it sit for about an hour...then into the smoker.
Now..here is where I do one of two thing. I either do a single smoke...and remove it right away (1 hour with 1 load of chips and then out.). The fish is totally raw, but has a nice cmokey flavor. Then I peel the skin off and pressure can it. AWESOME.
Or, I double smoke it (two loads of chips), and leave it in the smoker over night (I shoud say that method one - canning - I cut the fillets into can size hunks, whereas method two, I cut the fillets into thin strips of an equal size). smoke chum until there is onylt he slightest moisture i the fillet....it will be chalky unless you get it to a "jerky" like consistency.
I would have to say this is a main difference I have noticed between chum and pink..pink you can leave nice and moist, and it holds up well, but chum needs to be dryer - I find.
You take one of my canned chum cans, mix it one for one with some cream cheese and some chives..and LOOK OUT. Oh yeah, beer helps too.

happy smoking