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Author Topic: Not just the veddar  (Read 4188 times)


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Not just the veddar
« on: October 08, 2007, 08:16:28 PM »

Well I decided to hit the Allouette this afternoon since it was a beautiful day. Well when I got to the hole that produced some fish earlier in the week I was surprised by how many people where there. At first I thought it was ok until they started to snag chum and drag them up the shore. I was only there for a short while and by the time I left I was pretty pissed off. Too many families around to really lay into some of these people after explaining to them that what they where doing was wrong. Felt like I was talking to a brick wall so the only thing I could do was write letters to our local news papers and I will forward then to DFO as well. The unfortunate thing was that I forgot to bring my cell to report this activity. Here is a copy of the letter I sent to my local papers.

To the editor
  As the return of the salmon to our local streams has begun it is nice to see the start of this return be so healthy. The sad part is to witness the unethical treatment of these fish by some of the fishermen that have started to fish the local stream since the opening of the retention of coho. These fishermen seem to think that it is perfectly acceptable to foul hook chum. They also seem to think that it is acceptable to  drag these fish up onto the rocks, step on them to remove the hook and then throw them and I mean throw them back into the river. They also seem to think that it is acceptable to pull them into the shallows then kick them up onto the rocks remove the hook and then proceed to kick them right back into the water. I have confronted these people on the river to explain that what they are doing is wrong and could earn them a violation from one of the many DFO officers out there. Their only response is why, what is wrong with what we are doing or their other response would be "it is just a chum" . It is sad to think that in todays society people think that because it is just a chum it is perfectly ok to treat them this way. Well it is not. It should not matter whether it is a chum or a coho or a steelhead or any fish for that matter they should all be treated the same and they should learn how fish ethically. I have fished these local waters for just over 25 years and have never witnessed such horrible unethical treatment of these fish. From now on I will bring my cell phone which has the phone number for DFO and report all violations and hope that others do the same. Maybe just maybe with enough pressure an officer will patrol these waters on a regular basis to bring an end to this type of practice. It is apparent that explaining to these people does not help, but maybe a nice fine hitting them in the pocket book will work. I hope these people are also reading this and think twice about doing it again but if you still think it is acceptable and continue don't be surprised if an officer is standing behind you writing out a violation.

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Re: Not just the veddar
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2007, 08:58:44 PM »

Good on ya for taking the next step in educating people on how to catch and handle fish ethically.

One thing I would add to that well worded letter is maybe a quote from the DFO webpage that states its illegal to willfully foul hook fish and explain what foul hooking means (catching a fish in any part other than the mouth) and add a webpage link that people can view to actually read and learn about rules/regulations AND how to handle fish once caught. Im sure someone can give an example of an excellent webpage to view regarding this?


chris gadsden

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Re: Not just the veddar
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2007, 09:57:44 PM »

Of course this is similar to the problem we have been discussing for the last few years and especially this year on the Fraser and all our rivers, we see it daily every where. I am sure most also have read it in the press, on the radio and on several fishing web sites

We are having a meeting date with the Minister now and working on some other meetings as well.

We have spent considerable time working on this file this summer and have been hoping the SFAB will also deal with this but to date I believe they have only given it lip service. They are supposed to be the proper channel to make changes with FOC.
The hope is they too will finally come to grips with the growing problem you have just described above and start to deal with it also.
With the amount of correspondence that has gone on this year the hope changes will finally be made.

No use starting another flossing debate please, spend your time trying to educate others, write letters like fly guy has, phone FOC if you see infractions, talk to polticans, get your concerns to the SFAB through your local SFAC, etc. etc..

Be proactive in some way, it is no use debating it on any forum as there has been enough of that and in my mind it will not cure the ills we are facing in sports angling.

Some gains have been made but more work has to be done.


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Re: Not just the veddar
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2007, 09:58:42 PM »

Good on you ,but man it sure sucks seeing this kind of crap that is going on everywhere,i saw some of this kind of behavoir on barfishing the lower fraser today,i dont know how many wild coho i saw dragged up onto the sand and flop around while the hook is removed then not released properly.
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Re: Not just the veddar
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2007, 10:10:30 PM »

This week a guy showed me the nice roe he got from a chum. :o He was shocked when I told him there was no retention of chum on the Alouette.  I think the regulations need to be posted stream side. At the more popular access points. This would educate the dog walkers and general public, and make poachers think twice. I didn't get into a war of words with him because he had three friends with him and I was alone. It pissed me off but If you are a jerk to these local guys next time you go fishing there you will have a flat tire or a smashed window. Next time I will just call it in and hope that It gets looked after. :-\


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Re: Not just the veddar
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2007, 10:37:27 PM »

I think education is the most important tool to prevent all the bad habits. When I started 17 years ago, nobody told me what was right or wrong. I learned from looking at other fellow fishermen and soon found out that a snagged fish is no fun to play with. It is only common sense not to kick the fish up on shore and kick it back in the water again. Those who does have no respect for anything in life.

When I take any newbie fishing, the first thing I teach them is RESPECT for the environment and the resources.

I was fishing the lower canal the other day using my usual short floating method when an older guy came by and told me I was fishing too short a leader and too shallow. He was fishing at least 6' deep and a 5 foot leader and making a "whooshing" strike at the end of each drift. Next thing I know a younger guy with a coffee grinder came to my right and was doing the same thing. I was soon "whoosed" out of my spot and decided to fish a bit further down. Both these fishermen saw me catching fish but did not bother to change their methods. I do not think its my place to change someone's method of fishing because they may just take offence to my intrusion.

I think that FOC should hand out a "DOs and DON'T" during the time of purchasing the license.



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Re: Not just the veddar
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2007, 09:47:52 PM »

Well the letter got published in the Maple Ridge News. I just hope that it sinks in just a little bit for those that read it. Even if just one changes the way they handle their fish then at least it is a start.

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Re: Not just the veddar
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2007, 09:59:49 PM »

Good Move Fly Guy...


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Re: Not just the veddar
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2007, 10:10:01 PM »

 Thank for the posting fly guy. Chris I would like to help in any way I can. Would a potion hep or something along those lines. We need to do something now befor its to late. A guy at work said that he saw DFO giving out fineds for miss handled fish as well for no license's and or tags and barbed hooks so for all you people that think its no big deal it is.   
« Last Edit: October 10, 2007, 10:24:15 PM by fishonsteelheader »
love to fish.

chris gadsden

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Re: Not just the veddar
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2007, 09:18:07 PM »

Thank for the posting fly guy. Chris I would like to help in any way I can. Would a potion hep or something along those lines. We need to do something now befor its to late. A guy at work said that he saw DFO giving out fineds for miss handled fish as well for no license's and or tags and barbed hooks so for all you people that think its no big deal it is.   
We are dealing with so much of this now as there appears to be many that want to take fish this way. If you pop into Tamahi Rapids you will see a sorry sight as many fish are foul hooked in all parts of the body. Because of the swift water I noticed some fish that were hooked in the belly and have tears where the hook has impaled them.

We have a series of meeting coming up including as I stated earlier a meeting with the Minister.
We will see how things go but to be honest it is going to be hard to stop this way of taking fish on the Chilliwack Vedder as there is so much of it going on. Attitudes by many will have to change.

We try to show people on this forum on how to short float with roe, fish with a spoon or blades to take biting fish and I know most on this forum are doing that but there must be many that do not read these tips as the long liners still out number the short floaters.


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Re: Not just the veddar
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2007, 01:43:26 AM »

I was fishing the top of the Veddar canal on Holiday Monday , and got in to a good run of pinks, until my arms got tired. There were 3 , apparent native chaps , hooking and snagging these poor humpys in the back etc. I just said to them  ' Oh , you're fouled ', when downstream I could see the fish hooked. 
                They were using larger hooks and obviously fouling most of their catch, while I was successfully hooking most in the mouth , with a small , barbless hook. I was going to give them a blast , but then it occurred to me " Oh,...... natives........-maybe they are allowed , as they are on the Cap , to kill them any way they like. Anyone familiar with this subject ?
« Last Edit: October 12, 2007, 01:45:05 AM by Yofishon »
Leave the area as clean , or cleaner than you found it !