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Author Topic: Pollution in the Chilliwack River  (Read 9123 times)


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Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« on: October 16, 2007, 03:32:49 PM »

This email came in to me yesterday from Norman, a concerned resident in Chilliwack, for me to post up.

His photos can be seen at:

October 12th, 2007

I write with great concern for the well being of our Fraser Valley streams and creek systems. It started last Tuesday night (Oct. 9) when my wife drove out of the driveway onto Chilliwack River Rd. and smelt an egg odor. On Wednesday Oct. 10 morning I smelt this odor at 6am; I called 911 and reported a possible gas leak to the fire department. I received a call saying that this was agricultural odor. I came home from work at 6pm and looked over the bank and saw the black sludge. Flowing out of  the Prairie Central Road drainage ditch is black water and the smell of methane gas! I then called 911 and reported to the fire department that they have a larger issue then an agricultural odor! I received a call around 8:30 pm from the fire department. They came out to the creek and saw the black water merging into the clear water of the Chilliwack River. They were concerned enough to crawl into the ditch with me and take a sample of the polluted water. The water sample was black to the point that you could not see through the glass! The fireman took the sample to get tested. Today, Thursday Oct. 11, my wife took these photos of the creek pollutants and I called the Illegal Dumping Hot Line to report the possible manure dumping. I also called City Works and reported this concern and was told that they found no issues the previous night, according to the report they received from the fire department. City Works did come to the site today, searched all the sewer lines and apparently found no "issues with there sewer lines". ?????? These pictures show the issue in my opinion!  After my mother and my wife called the city hall and reported this 3 times today, finally a man from the city came out to look over the bank. He looked at the pollutants and proceeded to make calls on his cell phone, with a concerned look on his face. He stated, "This doesn't smell like manure!". I hear that there is a 200 psi sewer line that runs down Prairie Central Rd. This polluted drainage ditch is on the same road! Attached are pictures to prove our concerns are valid. Please take this matter seriously, for three days this "pollutant" that we were first told was nothing, though we knew better, has flowed through our streams. It needs immediate attention.

Thank you,


News update on October 13th, 2007

I came home today and took additional pictures that I have attached to this mail. The City of Chilliwack said that "there is no City Sewer leak over the phone". I have had 2 Fireman, 2 City Workers,and 8 locals that all agree that when they come to the creek "this doesn't smell like manure!"  The City has suggested that all their sewer lines have been checked thoroughly. I want to STRESS this is a DFO Steam that this BLACK drainage ditch is running into. This water has been running towards the FRASER RIVER for the past 4 days! I have several samples of the water and the sludge!

I must say that I have smelt this odor before when working at a Christian Kids Camp on Gambier Island. I maintained a Rotary Sewage Treatment Plant for 5 years. The raw sewage was treated before it was pumped into the Howe Sound. I did monthly tests and have never seen solid mater in any of my test samples! This amount of solid waste is so UNACCEPTABLE in my opinion.

I'm the 5th generation,  my 3rd child will be born in 12 day making them the 6th generation on this farm land.

This is the first time i have ever seen anything like this in my life!  I have 10 members of my family that are all on WELL WATER that live within 300 yards of this polluted creek.

The City has admitted that there is a major problem and they will continue to monitor it. But it is not there problem. They have handed the issues to the government DFO.

I really don't care at this point who's issue it is. PLEASE STOP this flow of water from continuing into our Fraser River and my family's DRINKING WATER!!!!!

Might I also add that there is a SALMON HATCHERY one mile up steam on the First Nations Reserve!

I hope these pictures that I attached might shed some light on the issues and get down to an answer! ASAP!! For the creek is not about to stop flowing gallon after gallon into our water ways! Say good bye to all fish as we know it in the Lower Chilliwack River!

Letter to City of Chilliwack on October 15th, 2007

The fact that you have covered your bases with the pressurized line does not make me feel any better!!!!!!!

WHAT was in this sample that you have taken!!! If you have not taken a test sample then come to my house and I will give you one or two!!!!  I feel that the City has been trying to cover there bases with this sewer line checks. While this BLACK goo still flows into the DFO water ways. I must be very clear that if this effects my drinking water and my families health I will hold you to your actions.

I STILL on day 7 have NEVER been told what this is in the Prairie Central Drainage Ditch!
If you know, then you must tell me so I can PROTECT my family accordingly.

I DEMAND that I be told any information that you have about this substance.
If I have these samples tested and find that it is HUMAN SEWAGE and you have been checking you lines for 7 days! At this point I feel that by keeping my family in the dark is in itself so UNDER HANDED!

I wanted our rivers cleaned up on Wed Oct 10/ 07. When the river smelled like Wolf Road Sewage Treatment Plant.

If this is sewage and it has been dumped into the river then what??? You go to the paper and ask for the help from the community in finding any suspicious pumping in the area!

If this Manure then let me know if this level of manure is ok to be flowing past my house! Will manure effect my drinking water?


I have 2 kids under 5 and they both have DIAHREA



Report All Poachers & Polluters
Please call   R.A.P.P. If you know of any illegal dumping. @ 1-877-952-7277

Fish Assassin

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Re: Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2007, 04:27:20 PM »

That is very disturbing. Sounds like everybody is passing the buck to someone else. :(


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Re: Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2007, 05:54:44 PM »

I was just informed that the story is on the front page of Chilliwack Progress today:

chris gadsden

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Re: Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2007, 10:04:53 PM »

We passed this on to the Chllliwack Progress and glad they picked up the story.

Lew Chater

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Re: Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2007, 10:47:10 PM »

Really need to find out what this material is. Hope DFO gets involved.
 Just to clear up any confusion, this system does not drain into the Chwk Vedder River system. Chwk River Rd. actuallly runs along the old Chwk River system, where it used to run years ago. The water system that the black material is showing up in I think is called the Semiault (sp) and this joins up with the flow that runs along beside the Chwk River Rd. It then winds in behind Airport Rd area, and out past the Parr Rd. dump area to the Fraser.
Hope to hear what the material is and soon. I don't blame the Norman for being upset at the apparent lack of action on this issue.
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Re: Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2007, 06:16:59 AM »

On wed night I called 911 the second time, the sample was taken by the fire department and they where alarmed at this smell and sludge.

On Thursday when the City told me that it was agricultural odor again i contacted all media TV & PAPERS.

On Friday the City stated that they will be doing a dye test and will know more Mon. I posted on BCFR & Then sent info on to this GREAT FORUM FISH with Rod. This arttical was the cut and pasted on 3 other Forums similar to this one. I also have received more help from BCWildlifeFederation and BC Salmon Society.

Thanks for the Exposure.  If this turns out to be and Illegal Dumping of sewage or worse then hopefully the media will step it up and we can find the person that did this and make him bankrupt.

I live on Agricultural land and don't want any harm to local farmers. This in my own opinion was not from a farm accident! If it turns out to be lets step up our defenses against this from happening again.

I think that the Provincial Environment being contacted on Fri was dropping the ball for I had called 911 on wed 6am and then 6 pm that day. at 8 pm Wed the fire department had taken a sample and still today i have heard nothing from any sorce on what is in this Ditch on the LOWER CHILLIWACK RIVER.

There have been alot of people in this ditch on Tues. I must have taken a swing at the right hornets nest. I know that it is too late to clean up what was once a disaster.

Keep your lines TIGHT and free from GOO! 



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Re: Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2007, 09:26:49 AM »

hear hear, i total absolutely agree with this we need to step up our defenses on all rivers to make sure that fish and other species don't get hurt cause all bodies of water reach the ocean one way or another not matter what

chris gadsden

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Re: Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2007, 05:39:33 PM »

On wed night I called 911 the second time, the sample was taken by the fire department and they where alarmed at this smell and sludge.

On Thursday when the City told me that it was agricultural odor again i contacted all media TV & PAPERS.

On Friday the City stated that they will be doing a dye test and will know more Mon. I posted on BCFR & Then sent info on to this GREAT FORUM FISH with Rod. This arttical was the cut and pasted on 3 other Forums similar to this one. I also have received more help from BCWildlifeFederation and BC Salmon Society.

Thanks for the Exposure.  If this turns out to be and Illegal Dumping of sewage or worse then hopefully the media will step it up and we can find the person that did this and make him bankrupt.

I live on Agricultural land and don't want any harm to local farmers. This in my own opinion was not from a farm accident! If it turns out to be lets step up our defenses against this from happening again.

I think that the Provincial Environment being contacted on Fri was dropping the ball for I had called 911 on wed 6am and then 6 pm that day. at 8 pm Wed the fire department had taken a sample and still today i have heard nothing from any sorce on what is in this Ditch on the LOWER CHILLIWACK RIVER.

There have been alot of people in this ditch on Tues. I must have taken a swing at the right hornets nest. I know that it is too late to clean up what was once a disaster.

Keep your lines TIGHT and free from GOO! 

Good work on keeping up the heat on this.


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Re: Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2007, 09:23:21 PM »

This was emailed to me today from a Fly Fishing Forum. This is somthing that might open all of our Eyes!! I don't know if this is what i have found yet but defiantly make me think.

Here is the message that has just been posted:
I hate to tell you this but there is no help going to come from the municipal, provincial or federal government.

I am Canada's lay expert on the subject of runoff of contamination from urban pavement, the toxic first flush syndrome and how it effects fish stocks.   

I experienced what you are experiencing some six years ago while fishing in a waterfowl reserve in Esquimalt Lagoon, Vancouver Island and was nearly overcome when I found myself wading in what appeared to be an oil spill that stunk of rotten eggs.

So went the route you went. I went to the municipal, provincial and federal fisheries and health departments are completely useless when it comes to persevering or protecting human health or fish stocks.

They started talking about sewage, turbidity, sediment and being unqualified but an experienced fly fisherman it soon became apparent they were book talkers not stream walkers and had no idea what was happening to urban waters. And, worse, they really didn't care, they were state employees and they said caring beyond their job description would only get them into trouble, or at least’s that's their story. 

I discovered that the water testing protocols used to measure water quality in BC water were worse than useless as they covered up what was really happening.  They knew that but published them anyway because they were told to. Millions were spent on useless fish ladders etc.  Why useless, the drain poisons were such no fish could survive. But that didn’t matter they had water quality test results that showed the water was fine.

When I reported the hard science of the matter to DFO, Prov. Gov. I got told one thing on record and another off the record.

 What I got told on record that no matter what proof I had there could be no problem. What I got told off record was that it was worth the individuals career to acknowledge  officially the truth of the matter. 

This has nothing to do with the politicians. I have been right up to cabinet on this issue and this is strictly to due with the deputy minister level down, the bureaucrats.

So, I started looking at the volumes, concentration, speed etc. of hydrocarbons (oil) phosphate, nitrate, heavy metals and known carcinogens are flushed of the streets, through the storm drains and into our water table and local waters and how it interacted with human, flora and fauna.  The answers terrified me.

The whole world is running around screaming like chicken little that the sky is falling due to carbon gas in the atmosphere and nobody has ever asked what about where all the really deadly stuff that occurs from burning fossil fuel and comes out of the tail pipe goes!

In Victoria, 200 acres of pavement, in a special designed centrifugal trap collected seven and half  tons in a little of a year of lethal toxins. Toxins so hazardous they have to be shipped over to you guys on the mainland to disposed of at hazardous waste sight. Be careful that could be a field in Chilliwack.

In a single 'flush' of the GVRD paved area drains more toxins enter the Fraser River from the thousands of storm drains than the entire volume of all industrial accidental spills of contamination NORTH AMERICA wide annually.

Suck on that stat for a few minutes and you will perhaps look at mall parking lots a little differently.

Global warming, maybe. Global poisoning, absolutely, and if you know that there is 400 cities world wide with a million plus cars in them, add up the paved area, calculate the now proven average of two tons of toxins from urban pavement per annum and you will soon reach the conclusion the worlds ocean are already poisoned and the effects becoming more obvious everyday.

 And, yet those we pay to pay attention to such matters don't even know its happening!

(Storm drain settlement tanks won't remove the toxins. They make it worse)

The reason breast cancer clusters occur down stream has escaped their notice despite qualified doctors doing their best to point it out.   (The Canadian Breast Cancer Association has never even responded such information.)

I then looked at salmon, steelhead and what impact it has on them.

The record makes it clear. Eg. When millions of spawning salmon fair to appear in the Fraser if you go back through the weather record the reason is obvious. Rain washed the streets of the GRVD, thousands of storm drains discharged hundreds of tons of toxins into the waters full of smolts.  Want to see the proof that has finally come to light, read this.

Once juveniles are exposed it wipes out their GPS and they can't find their way home to spawn. Period.

 None of this speculation. Its all hard science now, every where but in the most environmental backwards country in the Western word, Canada.

So, I got so pissed off and took the data to the US and there was an immediate reaction. They understand the cost of millions of missing salmon and their private health business the cost of cancer treatment.  The EPA has already drafted new standards and many cities taking up the matter themselves. See
Here in Victoria, we have put a hard core science team together and we are testing on our own and will publish the results to demonstrate how dangerous our water is to us and fish. Government officials are freaked because the results are already demonstrating they have no only wasted all or time and money in health and fisheries but they have put us all at a great risk.

The Capital Regional District of Victoria having been informed that the largest source of lead and zinc in the environment is from roofs, commercial and residential still went ahead and on the radio promoted used rain water collected from roof tops for domestic roofs.  Be very careful. You have to think for yourself, protect yourself.

So the only thing I can assure you of is that the government water testing protocols and methods of testing are useless, even dangerous because they do not tell you what is actually happening to your water.

Do your own testing and have it tested hydrocarbons, heavy metals, phosphate, nitrates  PUH's and chemicals. The urban water table is polluted, its just a question of how much.

Take your water samples after it rains. There is a syndrome called 'First flush' where tons of the grease and grime from the roads and parking lots in your areas will be washed into the water table and local water ways in just a few hours after it starts raining.  (You know that greasy feeling you experience when driving after it has been dry for a period of time and then it rains. That's what we are taking about. Take a swab of that stuff and put it on a cut on lad rat! It dies.

In Victoria they just spent a ten million dollars cleaning up toxic dump and they took it with the Prov. Govs written permission and dumped in a gravel pit a few feet from the tributary to the Cowichan and residential housing.

The greatest single danger to Canadians when it comes to environment and health is not so much the fossil fuels emissions and run off which we can do something about but the government workers bureaucracy which we can not. They will, intentional kill more of us, than any external enemy.
If you are not up close and looking at it is hard to believe but the proof of that matter is right before your eyes and in your case, your nose!

Take care and get an on line reverse osmosis filter system between you and the source of your water. Bathing in these contaminated waters can be worse than drinking it in some cases.

Take it very seriously. And, understand that you are own your own when it comes to safe  water.

Tight lines,

Scary Crap!


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Re: Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2007, 10:47:24 PM »

Norman, expect a phone call from Global BC tomorrow. :)


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Re: Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2007, 11:00:52 PM »

holy fricken Jeebus is this scary stuff....... thanx for posting this ..... but it begs the question..... if the water isn't safe..... and the fish live in the water.... are ANY of our fish really safe to eat?
that's probably a whole other can of worms eh?


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Re: Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2007, 02:06:43 PM »

The US did studies in the late 70s and into the 80s. It even appears in those old National Geos from that time. With industries that poluted the most like industrial farming of cattle etc. the prime culprit. The run off of a miarid of chemicals was through all the ground water that people were consuming. They banned some farming practices and the industrial farm folks just set up shop where people were so dumb they wouldn't know testicular cancer if they tripped over it.....Alberta. Wheres the beef?
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Re: Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2007, 09:27:30 PM »

Day 9 since we first smelt the spill!

So the conservation officer agrees with me that this looks just like and smells like HUMAN WASTE. It will not be proven untill we get the test samples on Mon.
I have received a call evvery day since Tue this week when the DFO stepped in to over look the Environment Canada test samples. I feel well informed.

I have been contacted by the CHWK PROGRESS AND TIMES, AND the VANCOUVER PROVINCE!!!! They all will be running an article in Fri Oct 20/07 paper.
I hope they express what i feel and not put word in my mouth!!! Oh well this is adding awareness for everyone to focus on LOCAL environment issues and not some Iceberg in Greenland that is melting!!!! lol

I will stop and wait for the test and see if our water is good.

Env. Canada took approx 8 samples out of the river and 3 water samples from three different Drinking wells in our property.

I'll keep you informed..

chris gadsden

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Re: Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2007, 10:18:15 PM »

Good work once again on this.


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Re: Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2007, 10:11:08 AM »

Makes you wander why they have not checked the water quility in the Serpentine River since 1993?
Fish for all your worth but, remember what the fish are worth.