As mastercaster has brought up, it depends on money, space and time. Catchables are the most expensive out of all the stocks raised by hatcheries around this province. Its goal is to sustain an introductory fishery, which brings in new anglers, who will eventually graduate and move onto higher quality fisheries that cost less to maintain (yearling stockings, etc). It does not make sense to spend more money and raise the fish for another year, or spend same amount of money and raise less fish that are bigger, to cater the same level of harvest rate.
What would be more welcoming is to designate a few lakes close to Vancouver as catch and release lakes, and put in larger fish so there isn't a net loss in stocks and quality of fishing remains high. This type of management would cater both introductory anglers who wish to take a few fish home in put and take lakes, as well as those who wish to only catch and release but do not wish to drive 4 hours to the nearest quality lakes. One scenario would be keeping put and take designation for Sasamat Lake, while making Buntzen Lake catch and release only. The two lakes are next two each other, so those who travel to the area can choose which fishery they wish to participate in.
Has anyone been interviewed by the fishery surveyor at Lafarge Lake this month?