bought into scare tactics in regards to the flooding.
What I haven't bought into is the scare and fear mongering tactics used by the enviro's to stop all projects:
statements like millions of fish are going to die, all habitiat is going to be destoyed, Fraser valley turned into giant gravel pit.
The powerpoint is a classic exagageration of number manipulation and exaggeration.
The whole idea as i see it, behind these gravel holes is to remove the gravel, then gravel from higher up moves down and in fills the holes and so on thus preventing the gravel acuumualting further downstream and thus reduce the potentail for flooding.
Its to bad that guys can't see the overall benfits, instead of looking at the area of the gravel removal alone. The direct benfits from gravel removal at spring bar are not at spring bar, itself its downstream all the way to mission such that its 400,000 tons less gravel being dumped down there by dumping it into the newly created holes.
As for the loss of habitat I don't see any. By the time the spring has come and gone, these gravel holes will be filled in long before the summer and fall fish seasons and a full year before the pinks come in again, thus creating the same or better habitat than what's there right now.
So no I'm not being brainwashed like the others by these wild exaggeration, poor and/or selective science, and failure to look at the overall picture.
As for the liberals and NDP I don't like any of them, but I do like to work and if these enviro groups continue to stop,delay legitimate projects then we will run out of work . Maybe that's not too bad , we can all become fishing guides living of the americans. If they have any money left.
Like I said stop the wild exaggeration and lets get back to a balance, where legitimatre projects can be completed and still maintain a healthy enviroment instead of this no development at any cost mentallity.