I was out on sat. the 12th and parked just above thr Hydro brigde. Why do people find it necessary to park on the river bed? IMHO there is just no reason for this. In this air of environmentally awareness that we all applaud, push and believe in I find this somewhat hypocriticall of some people, whereby they talk about bieng all for the enviroment and yet turn around and park on the river bed. It only takes one or two as usual and then the flood gates open. Those trucks can leave behind oil, grease deposits, fuel deposits and not to mention the garbage that inadvertantly gets dropped around the vehicles because people are distracted by differant things that are going on amongst buddies. I was somewhat surprised to see who some of the people were on sat. in and amongst the spey fisherman. This has been going on for some time now and I just had to pipe up. If you really care about this river park on the road. Walking the extra 30 to 40 paces to the river will not kill you, but your actions may have a negative affect on the fish and the system itself. Let me just say that I'm not trying to single out any one person, fishertype, race, creed, colour, or vehicle owner. My rant is over. Thank you. Please park on the road.