Perhaps you need to find out how much I know and am involved before concluding that I ned to learn about the havoc the net-pen industry is raining upon our beloved wild salmon. Somehow you have acquired the ability to read my mind.
Firstly, this is not a public discussion forum but a private business. You are here as a guest and should conudct yourself as one. The moderators reserve the right to move, delete, edit content to assure that the discussion forum is running smoothly. Although an important issue, you've disregarded other guests' priveleges on this discussion forum by bumping the topic up each day, even when it was still on the first page. FYI, an excessively bumped thread is an useless thread, which receive no attention by members who already know what the new replies are in the thread without clicking on it. I certainly would not go to a tacklestore everyday, put up a poster of my project over others on the bulletin board. Same scenario, except one's virtual while the other's physical.
Secondly, I've provided plenty of contacts who your group may want to hook up with. It's an alliance after all. Not so interested, that's ok, it's not like there are already so many groups going at different directions on the same problem.
Having the post stickied and put in a board dedicated to environmental issues were requested. That's fine, I moved it and put it on the top of that board for you just as BCFR has done. It's a less-used board but primarily used by both fishermen and fish stewards who check for updates. It's linked from the email that I occasionally send out to the stewardship mailing list. Instead of contacting me directly by email to express your concern, you have the nerve to imply that I have censored your cause because I am uneducated when it comes to the salmon farm issue.
Why don't we pin up a thread on Fraser River gravel extraction, a thread on overharvesting on commercial groundfish and salmon fisheries, a thread on headwater mining and deforestation, a thread on flossing in salmon streams, a thread on poaching, a thread on littering, a thread on funding cuts by DFO, a thread on commercial by-catch of steelhead in Northern BC?
Perhaps you need to listen and learn how to make an alliance before forming an alliance. My support will now go to those existing groups that are strongly recognized in the media (eg.
Raincoast Research Society), and the groups that I already belong to and support (eg. Fraser Valley Salmon Society).