It is for sure the loss of water flow that will kill them in the end. No Question!!
Look at the Alloette and Stave, Furry Creek Even the Cap.
When the water flow is restricted or regulated by humans and not by nature this is what throws the fish off and the don't know what to do. Some can't even make it into the spanning grounds anymore because of the dams blocking them, when they get moved over the dams by people they just fall back over it in the spring and Die!
The Stave river once had some of the Biggest Steelhead around, like 30+ monster but now there is barely any left because BC hydro built not one but two dams on that river system, and now they what a third....
This is got to end
If there is a shortage of power and we need extra for a good reason (not just to make quick cash) then go big. Build a huge power station far far away and connect it to the grid and it's done. At least it one river affected and not 500 streams and rivers. Our kids don't want to drive 16hrs or so go get some good fishing in(Alaska), lets preserve what we have and it could last for many many more generations.
It's all up to us now, the government has made up there mind and so has the money hungry companies that want to build these projects.
Another solution is to tunnel under a higher elevation lake that is large in size and tape in to it from the bottom. At least the way it doesn't directly effect the flow of the streams and rivers, in stead drain some water like a bath tub does. The one and only project that I would support is on th northern Island, they have at attempted this Idea and It's going to work (Almost complete now) which is a new step in hydro power. Maybe they don't need those hydro lines built through Tsawwassen after all.
As for farms, Move them the Hell out of here!! We now know that they are indeed killing the fish (or helping) get rid of them. There will be now safe place to have except in large tanks on land. If the Salmon population returns we can just eat wild salmon instead of farmed... it's a no brainer people
That is just my opinion though