WHERE ARE these vocalists now?, are they down there trying to set people straight as to lack of ethics? I told C.G. in the summer that this is what he and his group should be concerned with,the flossing in the Vedder NOT the Fraser. My guess is there is too good of fishing right now to worry about problems like that!
Not all fishermen give a hoot about fish, conservation and environment.
Restricting access to the river is not the answer.
I want to fish any time I want to fish.
I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, gamble, play poker, watch TV etc...
So if you restrict my access to the river I will start to smoke, drink, gamble, do drugs...and that's not going be good for anyone.
Catch my drift?!
But I would be prepared to have a limit of 1 steelhead a year to take home, 1 salmon a day etc..as long as I can catch and release all I want.
Sport fishermen should be organized better into larger groups because only then we can have a voice and make a difference.
Bigger is better.