This topic has been discussed before.
The answer is not quite that simple. Many of the dykes on the Chilliwack River are on private property and the FVRD has statutory right-of-ways for maintenance purposes so they are not accessible to the public. Some are on crown land and are accessible to the public and many are orphan (no ownership/ no maintenance) and access is probably a legal question. The river has shifted and changed in several areas so that the high water mark is different than the original survey and also some property has been in a family for so many years that the crown was never able to claim back to the high water mark.
In several areas in the Chilliwack River you would most definitely be tresspassing if you were to walk along the dykes. To be on public land you would need to be down at the toe of the dyke on the river side. After this past winter's flooding event, which shifted the river's channel in several areas, the river is now part way up on the dyke leaving no dry walking spot. The area on either side of Osbourne Rd falls into several catagories, however the various structures and works along these areas were not engineered or built to a standard and are not recognized as "flood work structures". Most of the works in the area do in fact belong to and are on the owners property.
Jane Sowik, Manager of Administrative Services
Fraser Valley Regional District
45950 Cheam Avenue
Chilliwack, BC V2P1N6
So instead of getting more property owners mad and kick out everyone, walk below the dyke along water edge and be very quiet and neat. Usually they would not have problem with that.