Thats completely irrelevant. I always find fish with with plastic baits in their guts, I have even found strips of marabou in their stomachs as well. Steelhead are stupid and will swallow any bait without thinking about it.
What is so irrelevant about Nicole's question,,,,again?
?? The plastic baits and marabou,,,,,did they have a hook attached to them?
Or would THAT question be irrelevant?
? Nicole's question and the following answer showed a few here a fact that many try to point out to new steelheaders when the firrst start fishing for the steelhead. And your answer about "pieces" of plastic and marabou in a steelie's tummie did the same thing. I just don't think you realized it.
Thou a shame, wild bleeders have to be tossed back, thus Nicole's question about the roe. I know, I know,,,,,it's not the place or time to open this can of worms,,,,,, ummm, roe, but the answer to Nicole's question, and even Birdman's comments brought light to a problem when fishing the guts.
Personally, I have NEVER had a bleeder(knock wood) and never had to worry about "keeping" a bleeder. Of course I have never had to fish guts to catch my fish in the last thirty years. That's just me thou. I will also call BS on Birdman's comment on Steelhead "swallowing" any bait without thinking about.