The email below might be of interst for recreational boaters:
Mandatory use of Personal Floatation Devices ("PFDs") on small recreational vessels The need for the Canadian Government to pass a regulation for the mandatory use of Personal Floatation Devices ("PFDs") on small recreational vessels under six metres in length is far overdue.
Each year in Canada, people drown in rivers, lakes and ocean waters. Statistics show that 89% of persons who died were not wearing PFDs. In 31% of the cases, PFDs were not even present on the vessels involved. The mandatory use of PFDs could have prevented a large number of these predictable, preventable deaths.
Current Government regulations require only the presence of PFDs in the vessel. These regulations do not consider the difficulties in locating and donning on a PFD during an emergency, an event that becomes even more complicated when one is already in the water.
Most drowning occurs within ten metres of safety. People do not consider themselves to be at risk due to their perceived swimming ability, boating experience, availability of PFDs in the vessel, and their familiarization with the area.
The ongoing promotion of safety messages is not enough. We must change the behavioral patterns of the recreational boaters through much needed regulation such as was the case with seat belts in automobiles and helmets for bicycle riders.
Current research and opinion polls indicate that the public would support such mandatory wear legislation with an immediate 84-93% compliance rate.
CPS needs to take the lead in working to increase awareness of the significance and impact of boating related drowning in Canada by asking its members to support and advocate the required wearing of PFDs by all members at all times when operating a vessel six metres or less in length.
To determine the level of support for the wearing of PFDs at all times when operating a vessel six metres or less in length and to help guide the legislators, please assist CPS National by completing the brief PFD Wear survey directly online at This topic can also be discussed on the new CPS Forum under Governmental Issues.
Canadian Power & Sail Squadrons / Les Escadrilles canadiennes de plaisance
26 Golden Gate Court
Scarborough, Ontario M1P 3A5
416-293-2438 / 1-888-277-2628