Ok another report.....
Lower river is looking much better now with about a 10-12 inches visibility in the lower river. Didn't hit the upper today. It is still quite high but has dropped, River is also dropping now with a vengeance and is looking like it should be fishable very soon, if not already. Saw a bunch of guys targetting Springs already in the main channels today. Didnt see any jumps or rolls from anything today, but from what I understand they normally start becoming active later in the evening. Most people out there right now are using shrimp and roe. LOTS of people targetting the Steelhead smolts, and from what I understand, lots of people are killing them and throwing them in the bushes just as they are leaving, deciding after the fact they are not worth keeping. PLEASE do not do this, if you absolutely decide on killing one, at least keep it and eat it, don't throw it in the bushes......
On another note... talked to a friend on the river today who has been fishing since the river opened. Apparentally the Sockeye are keening in on shrimp later in the evening. If you are going to be using shrimp for Springs it might be a good idea to switch to a different bait, as these are Chilliwack Lake sockeye (Not Culuts Lake, like so many people think) and still need to travel a long ways. Hooking and playing them puts uneeded pressure on them, expecially if the temps get high again, not to mention there is no retention on them so why even bother.
Cheers, Good Luck