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Author Topic: Vedder july22  (Read 2606 times)


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Vedder july22
« on: July 22, 2008, 04:53:09 PM »

Hey Folks,
  I just thought i would give you an update as i took my 9 year old boy out for the  day of fishing.There is alot of sockeye and a few springs kicking around also.My son out fished me today by far and i have no problem with that at all.It was good to see some old friends and meet a couple of new ones as well.When they had left my son and i had the spot all to ourselves and what happens when dad stops for a drink of water the kid hooks a spring!!!.After a short battle of about 5 minutes with some excellent coaching on my part which seems that will be my new role on the river a beauty around 10-12lbs was beached.I was fishing the upper river.Good luck too all.   

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Re: Vedder july22
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2008, 07:54:37 PM »

Scottm...hope you didn't miss a photo opportunity.
The photo will be a classic some day.

Good on your son.



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Re: Vedder july22
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2008, 08:00:16 PM »

I do have the photos i have started a new album with our shots.


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Re: Vedder july22
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2008, 09:07:28 PM »

was out on the vedder today and my confidence for springs are starting to diminish very fast. Can't seem to hook one if my life depended on it.......I have done nothing wrong from past fishing methods, baits etc but I cannot seem to get one to bite!!! Sockeye is another story and it's great to see that many in the river and actually taking our bait. How has everyone elses spring fishing been doing? I'm 0 for 6 with no bites no hook ups i've done the first light thing mid day haven't tried evenings cause I live out in coquitlam so usually home by 4 but I've tried red wool, red and black wool, 10# leaders up to 15. size 1 hooks and 1/0 hooks, and the list goes on.....
any advice would help thanx guys. Last year and previous I would have multiple hook ups in one outing and a spring everyday that I go. Are you guys finding the same, could it be that the sockeye in the vedder have actually out numbered the springs! Personally I think there are more socks in the vedder than coho last fall


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Re: Vedder july22
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2008, 09:14:09 PM »

We used 15 main 10 leader i was using red wool with peach and my boy was using orange jensen egg with a small roe bag.


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Re: Vedder july22
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2008, 09:20:51 PM »

I think it depends on where you are fishing. I have been out twice and have yet to see any springs at all.

I do not like fishing mid or upper and I think that is where the fish can be found.

I prefer the lower because the fish tend to be silver.


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Re: Vedder july22
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2008, 10:25:33 PM »

Well looks like I'm not the only one goodoldays! I've been out 5 times and not even a hook up. I've had them jump in front of me to let me know they are there. I even went down to 8# leader line with no results. Last year my worst day was 5 springs in one day. I used the same set up with the same bait and fished the same water. NOTHING! It's a little frustrating but I'll get the pin spinning one of these trips. Good luck to everyone!


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Re: Vedder july22
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2008, 10:47:46 PM »

Scottmm : were u and your boy fishing at Ranger Run this AM around 8? 
Fish on!!! woohoo..!!

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Re: Vedder july22
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2008, 11:25:55 PM »

was out on the vedder today and my confidence for springs are starting to diminish very fast. Can't seem to hook one if my life depended on it.......I have done nothing wrong from past fishing methods, baits etc but I cannot seem to get one to bite!!! Sockeye is another story and it's great to see that many in the river and actually taking our bait. How has everyone elses spring fishing been doing? I'm 0 for 6 with no bites no hook ups i've done the first light thing mid day haven't tried evenings cause I live out in coquitlam so usually home by 4 but I've tried red wool, red and black wool, 10# leaders up to 15. size 1 hooks and 1/0 hooks, and the list goes on.....
any advice would help thanx guys. Last year and previous I would have multiple hook ups in one outing and a spring everyday that I go. Are you guys finding the same, could it be that the sockeye in the vedder have actually out numbered the springs! Personally I think there are more socks in the vedder than coho last fall

It's obvious you know what you're doing if you were catching them last year. I know it's frustrating but that's part of fishing. Keep at her and they will come.


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Re: Vedder july22
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2008, 09:27:23 AM »

ur spots might have changed, the few times i've been fishing for reds, we've covered water like we were steelhead fishing, look for pods of willing fish, though i didn't hook up, my father did several times.
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Re: Vedder july22
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2008, 06:01:45 PM »

All I know is that the Vedder is packed with sockeye, which is very noce to see. We went over the highway bridge today and in the 10 seconds it took to go across we saw probably 100 fish flip out of the water... its like a sea of silver right now, so expect a few more tussels with bullets sockeye the next week or so, there are ALOT of them comion up.  ;)


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Re: Vedder july22
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2008, 11:43:08 PM »

100 fish jumping in ten seconds huh? thats 10 fish a second.. sounds rather like a mega hyperbole.
Im an advocate for the supremacy of the bait fisherman race and a firm believer in the purity of it.


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Re: Vedder july22
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2008, 11:47:10 PM »

thanx all, good to see it's not just me..... not that I wish anyone else bad luck if I don't have. I know it can be very frustrating at times and that's why they call it fishing and not catching. I really would like to try the lower one day for reds, just haven't ever fished lower for reds so I'm not as confident in reading the water like I do in the upper.
am gonna try her again on friday before I leave outta town for the weekend. will give my report then, and till then good luck to all