Julius Ceasar said: "Divide and impera" (Divide and conquer).
And here we are, one of the three fishing groups being divided over our different methods of fishing, demonstrating to the world that we are not worthy of our sport. Instead of uniting and creating a common front with only one mandate: BEING ALLOWED TO FISH REGARDLESS OF THE METHOD, we bitch, bicker and call each others flossers, snaggers, bait chuckers, fly fishing elitists and the like. What method we use has no bearing whatsoever on the survival of the fish. What method we use does not affect water temeratures. What method we use does not impact ocean survival or sea lice issues.
Fishing or not fishing is the issue at stake.
Make no mistake, fellows, we are making it a lot easier for FN, PETA, fish farmers and other anti-recreational fishing interest groups to drive us off the flow. Smarten up, guys, and start barking up the right tree!