as a new fisherman, I am amazed at the self righteousness out there when it comes to preferred methods of fishing, I thought that the only people that we were supposed to look down on are the "flossers", but now it seems that even the roe fishermen are no longer "ethical"?. Personally I think that the most important part of fishing is catching fish, that's what keeps me going and excited to wake up early. Regardless of method (as long as its legal), I would not be out there fishing if I never caught anything. My little brother and I went to the Scale Bar a few times this week and caught our limit in zero visibility water. It was our first time ever using bouncing betties and you know what we had a blast because we caught fish!! We were not concerned that the fish were not biting our offering, they could not even see our offering! We had fun and are very excited to continue learning and growing as fishermen. In five years we will probably not be fishing shoulder to shoulder, bottom bouncing, because we will know how to catch fish in more challenging ways. That is the natural progression of most sports, the better you get the more you want to be challenged. I just find it interesting how "expert" fishermen rip apart the methods of other fishermen because they have progressed to a place that they percieve to be better and more pure than others. I know that this can be a very touchy subject on this forum and I don't want to piss anyone off but that's my two cents.