The mortality study may become a useful managment tool for situations like this one where FN put pressure on government to close the river due to a possible shortage in their TAC. Past court cases have been won by government where FN has tried to close rec sport fisheries in the marine waters when their TAC was not reached. Mortaility studies showed that sport caught fish in marine waters was less than 3% therefore closing the sport rec fishery would have little or not impact on their TAC ( total allowable catch) and therefore can remain open even when their TAC is not reached.
So if we can get 35 people a day onto Grassy Bar for this study it maybe the tool that government needs to help them manage the rec sockeye fishery on a more stable basis and not having to cave into FN pressure everytime the test fishery drops a few thousand.
If the mortality study shows greater than 3%, than tighter managment will be required when stocks of concern are in the river.
I will be donating rides to Grassy on as many days as I can, Island 22 at 8am August 5-10, help us out if you can, it would be much appreciated by everyone involved.
Vic Carrao