Im going out tomorrow. Cammer his legs were trapped in between 2 different logs that are below the surface forming a "V" shape. Once you're in you cant get out. Here is a breif description of the area. About 1.5-2 km's above the crossing the river splits into a left and right channel. The right channel is very shallow and narrow, to the point you would have to walk to everyone takes the left. The left channel has a big "root ball" right in the middle of the entrance. At this point everyone should start kicking to the edge. Around 300 feet below this is the deadly jam. The river narrows and goes right into it. If you find yourself getting pulled in, BAIL OUT, there is calm water about 2 feet to the left of the jam, it's better to use your tube than your life. Dont be fooled, this channel has more than one deadly spot although no one has died in the second spot yet. The second spot is visible from the crossing and is on a corner. This jam consists of probably 15 - 20 logs and they are spread out. There is no way around this jam, get out and walk, you can see it once again from way upriver. Be smart and use common sense. I would like to see someone put a sign up there warning people, I would hate to come across a body tomorrow
I think tomorrow I am bringing a rope just incase this happens again.
One other note. If you are up there and this happens again. DO NOT go in the water, you'll just get yourself killed. Cross well upstream from the jam and get ontop of the jam. You can reach the water and hold on to the logs while holding the person up, but hang on tight the current is extremely storng in that spot. Like I said it took 8 guys to hold just his head up. If you find yourslef tiring you have to give up, dont let the same jam claim any more lives than it has too, at least you tried that's all you can do.
One other thing I find intersting, but not surprising about both the incidents. They were both on rubber dingy's (not made for the river at all) first of all because they pop easy and flip easy and many times (like the young girls case) they pile more than one person onto them. They are also VERY hard to manouver. Once again please be careful everyone, I had a very hard time watching this today...