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Author Topic: Free day of fishing in exchange for local knowledge (Cambell River/Quadra)  (Read 1634 times)


  • Old Timer
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Hey gang, a family friend who has a cabin around campbell river has just purchased a fishing boat and is looking for a jump start. 

While I don't have any specific dates, looks like we are trying to put a trip together for the 3rd week of September.  We would be looking for a fisher with strong local knowledge to help get the new captain familiar with the area, structure, baits, etc.  All you need to do is show up with a license and maybe a few of your favorite lures, he has all the equipment one needs.

While I haven's seen the boat, its a 23 foot center console with twin 90's on the back (indentical to langara's boats apperantly) so I can tell you its a sea worth boat to say the least!   

If your interested, please drop me an email.

« Last Edit: August 20, 2008, 08:25:10 AM by Gooey »