Well, this has all be very good info.
I was out on Lafarge this evening and got a big fat zero - not even a bite. I didn't want to use my float boat but I do know I spot I can wade out to that I have fished with some success before. Started out stripping a green woolly bugger at varying speeds from fast to slow - after no success with that I tried to cover more water by casting a spinner in a fan pattern from where I was standing.
From what you are saying I will remember to try a really sloooowww retrieve strategy next time (Thanks for the tip about the leech under the strike indicator bbronswyk - another thing I can experiment with).
A quick question:
I was fishing a floating line so I think my fly was quite far off the bottom. Does it make more sense to use a sinking line in situations like this? If I am trolling what works best at this time of year?
Oh by the way, I fished lafarge about 2 days after a stocking earlier this year and they were absolutely hammering my fly just about every second cast - I am not sure the theory about them needing to rest a few days always holds. Just my two cents worth