Sam Salmon,
I can understand your frustration. You have been on this earth a lot longer than most of us on here I imagine...especially me. Must be frustrating to see how fish stocks were like, and then suddenly get lower, and lower, and lower. I can only say what I have seen in 16 years, and even I know how much fish stocks have gone down hill since then.
Do not take this to offence, I am not trying to start an argument. We all have our thoughts, some of us are on the same side, others not so, but I think you need to be a little more open-minded towards this situation. Here is a situation - Take an person that does not fish...never been fishing before in there not know anyone that fishes. Honestly, what are they supposed to know about fish? I am sure a person like this has never read the fishing regs, nor ever will. My point in saying this is that not ever single person on this planet is educated on this situation, spawning salmon and habitat. Heck, how is someone I gave an example about even supposed to know that those chum were spawning???
Anyways, my point is that it is hard to judge somebody like that. Chances are they are not aware of the damage they are causing. The only thing to do in situations like this is to let the people know what they are doing, and give them some info about the chum spawning so that they understand why they shouldnt be doing it.