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Author Topic: Another Election?  (Read 24267 times)


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Re: Another Election?
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2008, 12:07:43 PM »

   Well I own my own business and I am sick of how this country takes care of the lazy and stupid and punishes those who bust their A$$ and have an education !! so I would definitely vote Conservative again !!!!  Oh yeah and by the way I am definitely a proponent of Privatization, save for Fire and Police...

« Last Edit: December 05, 2008, 12:11:20 PM by TrophyHunter »

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Re: Another Election?
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2008, 01:13:49 PM »

So privatization of rivers / parks etc. .....that makes sense to some people in here?  Pay for something that should be free?  What about water? Want to start paying for your drinking water when that gets privatized?  Education? Time for people to wake up and see it for what it really means.  I own my own business....and I make a good living doing it....I am proud to be in a country that takes care of people who are less fortunate than ourselves.....and that includes people who are "stupid".   Remember, not everyone is lucky to have been born with average mental capability. 

You say you're being punished for busting your my friend and getting an education, please you mean taxes are punishment?????  As a business owner I'm sure you are aware that we actually pay less taxes and get WAY more write offs than the guy next can't be serious.  We are rewarded for purchasing stuff so we can make MORE money, we are taxed at a much lower rate, I mean, come on.....where is the punishment???  I'm not seeing it.

And for the guys who are lazy, they don't live the lifestyle you do either.  They PAY for it, it's not an easy life.


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Re: Another Election?
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2008, 01:23:01 PM »

You say you're being punished for busting your *** and getting an education, please you mean taxes are punishment?????  As a business owner I'm sure you are aware that we actually pay less taxes and get WAY more write offs than the guy next can't be serious.  We are rewarded for purchasing stuff so we can make MORE money, we are taxed at a much lower rate, I mean, come on.....where is the punishment???  I'm not seeing it.

And for the guys who are lazy, they don't live the lifestyle you do either.  They PAY for it, it's not an easy life.

I am a new business owner and I have to agree with everything you just said. Although I must say just starting out is not easy.

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Re: Another Election?
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2008, 01:35:35 PM »

I find it hard to believe that people who continue to support the conservative party are the same people who argue against privatization....doesn't that keep you up at night???

Canadian politics is hardly a "hard line lineal" form of politics.  If it was, three parties who historically don't even talk to eachother would never think of forming a coalition.  Much like the rest of the world, we are due for a correction, the taxpayer is going to have to take on some of this correction.  It can't be put squarely on the shoulder of the politicians, as it's our greed and hyperinflation over the last 10 years that has got us in this mess.  Remember, when the market/oil/housing goes up, way out of control there is a buyer and a seller.  They contractually make a decision to drive the prices up to that level.

The House of Commons was in a chaotic state.  The GG made the right decision in setting a cooling off period, especially since it is a slow time of year.  Let's see if this is enough of a scare for the Conservatives and they make concessions in their budget plan to appease members of the NDP/Liberals/Bloc, or at the of those parties, which will break the coalition. 

I'm more curious as to what each party would do if in power, or what budget ideas they push to better Canada, that the mud slinging of pointing the finger and blaming everyone else. 

Google Jeffrey Simpson, a Globe and Mail journalist and political pundit.  He is very non-partisan and provides an interesting read.  One of his points is that all this mess actually strengthens the Blocs position.
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Re: Another Election?
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2008, 02:12:52 PM »

So privatization of rivers / parks etc. .....that makes sense to some people in here?  Pay for something that should be free?  What about water? Want to start paying for your drinking water when that gets privatized?  Education?

You say you're being punished for busting your *** and getting an education, please you mean taxes are punishment?????  As a business owner I'm sure you are aware that we actually pay less taxes and get WAY more write offs than the guy next can't be serious.  We are rewarded for purchasing stuff so we can make MORE money, we are taxed at a much lower rate, I mean, come on.....where is the punishment???  I'm not seeing it.

And for the guys who are lazy, they don't live the lifestyle you do either.  They PAY for it, it's not an easy life.

Obviously you have never actually thought about what privatization means.... it doesn't mean that every service provided by the government automatically becomes pay per use !!! it means that there is competition for projects for example, imagine how much more would get done at a lower cost if there was competition for highway and street maintenace, you would have private companies bidding on jobs while still being held to a certain standard.... Education, Healthcare etc would all benefit from competition !!! I have had many many discussions with numerous people on this subject, you would be very surprised at how many people think along the same lines.... Of course this would be something that would have to be regulated, but imagine the savings and the increase in production that would occur !!!

As for the comment on Lazy people....  I honestly cannot agree with you, my father taught me that if you want something , you have to work for it... if you aren't willing to work for it then too bad !!!!


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Re: Another Election?
« Reply #20 on: December 05, 2008, 02:33:44 PM »

Marmot, if you re-read my original post I was not directing my comment towards business owners I was talking about anyone who busts their A$$ and gets an education.... it is a total joke how income tax works in this country !!! the more you earn the more you pay... how does that make any sense ??? why should anyone have to pay more tax than anyone else ?? do the rich have better roads to drive on ?? better public education ?? better public healthcare ?? NOPE!!! but they are forced to pay more tax the more they earn !!

Lets say for example you have two people graduating from highschool, one decides to go straight to post secondary and the other chooses to travel Europe, Ten years later the first person is a Lawyer making $200,000.00 per year and the other is washing cars at the local Auto Mall making $40,000 per year.... should the person that chose to go to school and sacrifice everything to better themseves really pay one more penny than the other ??? Not only should the % of tax ever change but the dollar amount period should never change, if the guy earning $40,000 a year pays $7000 in tax then so should the guy earning $200,000 a year !!!
We punish people for being successfull and it is disgusting !!!!

I understand that the country would go broke if something like this ever happened but that is only because of how poorly this country is run !!!! Privatize everything possible, regulate it , and this country would be in a much better place than it is now.


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Re: Another Election?
« Reply #21 on: December 05, 2008, 03:18:16 PM »

Obviously you have never actually thought about what privatization means.... it doesn't mean that every service provided by the government automatically becomes pay per use !!!

Actually it does. It meant what taxpayers paid for and funded, being sold to a private entity.

It's not going to happen over night because those who are pushing for privatization of everything don't want to alarm the public while the theft is going on.
But in the end you will pay, and private owners will have the right to charge you, for use of their property.
Public / private partnership are made to steal money out of tax payers for the benefit of private entities.

Basically if you agree that all the land and everything on it belongs to someone and should belong to someone,
than privatization is ok.

I am not against private propety, like your house, your car, your vacation home in Hawaii etc.
That's not the issue.
The issue is multi billion dollar legal entities buying scores of land and creating feuds.
Slowly it's already happening, the city folk have nothing and really work on the land and for those few who have everything.
Megalopolis, we have seen this before.
"Eppur si muove"

And this leads to some form of feudalism. You can call it what you like.
And eventually people will stop liking it and it leads to some kind of revolt...
and the history repeats again.

Basically we have not learned anything.

Goverments privatize profits, but socialize deficits.


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Re: Another Election?
« Reply #22 on: December 05, 2008, 04:04:44 PM »

"Governments privatize profits, but socialize deficits."

Well put.

If you run your own business I would definitely get an accountant. Best bit of privatized spending you can make.
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Re: Another Election?
« Reply #23 on: December 05, 2008, 04:30:28 PM »

  Obviously adriaticum , you failed to read the part where I mentioned "REGULATION" !!! Any service can be privatized and be beneficial to everybody as long as it is regulated, the government would still have a board overseeing the private companies that would be bidding on the projects/services. It isn't something that will happen overnight but I hope I get to see it in my lifetime !!

  I know that not everybody will agree with my thoughts, and they probably sound harsh to some, but have you ever stopped to wonder what kind of a mess this country will be in if changes aren't made ??

  Competition = success ............ Privatization = Competition


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Re: Another Election?
« Reply #24 on: December 05, 2008, 05:10:26 PM »

"Governments privatize profits, but socialize deficits."

Well put.

If you run your own business I would definitely get an accountant. Best bit of privatized spending you can make.

No spending for me on an accountant. My wife is an accountant :)

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Re: Another Election?
« Reply #25 on: December 05, 2008, 05:37:48 PM »

  Obviously adriaticum , you failed to read the part where I mentioned "REGULATION" !!!

Ha, ha you're absolutely right, I didn't read it thoroughly because I was working. Multitasking , you know when you do a lot of things and none of them really good.

I do agree with your formula "Competition = success ............ Privatization = Competition" a little bit, but in the end it's not accurate math.
Competition more frequently equals failure, and Privatization is more and more equalling lack of competition.
Depends on perspective, I guess.
Look at our wireless industry, banking industry. They don't compete.
They have carved out territories for themselves and don't give a fiddle.
In other words you can become too big to allow competition.
As it is happening all over the world, 'Consolidation', big fish eating small fish and that is effectively destroying competition.

In terms of privatization as it pertains to competition, we are already all privatized, and that's ok. As long as anyone with an idea is allowed to start a business and make money, we are good.
The only problem is when governments interfere.
Like these coalition monkeys who are trying to throw billions of dollars of our money at a failed company like GM. And then there is no money in the budget to build roads, bridges, hospitals.
There is tonnes of money out there, let me repeat, there is tonnes of money out there.
It's just that you, and 30 million other customers, can't tell where its going because of complex financial structures of the government.
But you can bet its ending up in someone's pocket.

GM is garbage, it has been garbage for the last 2 decades and it will fail. People, high, at the head of that company have ruined it. Lets move on.
I'd rather spend 30 billion in re-educating GM employees so they can pursue other interest.
In terms of executive pay and bonuses, GM is doing great. Make no mistake about that.
We should help those affected by the recession, not those affecting the recession.

What caolition is doing is its telling GM you can be as stupid as you want and have bad business practises, as they do, and bad management, as they do, and bad cost structures, as they do, and not know what you are doing, as they don't, and be in a race where everyone is better than you, as is true, but because you are so big and have so many employees we will give you more money.
Is this a sound economic practise, or what?!
GM needs to fail, if common sense is to survive.
I am sick and tired of this blackmail.
If we keep propping these companies, we are setting ourselves up for retardation.

Back to my point.

Competition means nothing.
Money is the real driver. Money is the cause, competition is the effect.
Competition is something we all have innately built in. We compete even when we are told not to.
But as it is happening,
unlimited wealth is creating unlimited poverty.

Hold on to our money!


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Re: Another Election?
« Reply #26 on: December 05, 2008, 11:52:34 PM »

One thing for sure...If there is another election, I guarantee a much bigger voter turn-out than the last election!


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Re: Another Election?
« Reply #27 on: December 06, 2008, 01:34:37 AM »

i would vote for george w bush


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Re: Another Election?
« Reply #28 on: December 06, 2008, 01:37:39 AM »

harper wasted atleast 7 weeks before revealing his budget, when many other countries have tabled stimulus packages, whether they are good or not. i think harpers reluctance to act quickly is reason enough to vote non confidence. the pussy doesnt have the balls to face a confidence vote. i would hope that if there is another election, that the voter turnout is way better.


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Re: Another Election?
« Reply #29 on: December 06, 2008, 09:06:39 AM »

harper wasted atleast 7 weeks before revealing his budget, when many other countries have tabled stimulus packages, whether they are good or not. i think harpers reluctance to act quickly is reason enough to vote non confidence. the pussy doesnt have the balls to face a confidence vote. i would hope that if there is another election, that the voter turnout is way better.

It will be....and it will be a Conservative Majority.  Most Canadians are afraid of the Bloc and Dion.  We are a forgiving bunch, and Harper may have been slower, but the budget wasn't out yet.  The coalition jumped the gun and played bad politics by deciding to get into bed with one another.  Not to mention the polls are showing over 60% of the public don't agree with party funding out of taxpayers coffers. (me included).  If you have a strong political platform, you don't need a kickback, you just need to get your message out there and find donors.  Don't forget, Harper was going to pass this piece of the legislation with a minority government, which means his party would have to play by the same rules and find it's own funding next time too.  In a time of fiscal restraint, it seems smart (not popular to other parties, but smart) to cut your own budget first and be smarter with taxpayers's all how the papers want you to read it....they are the worst.
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