I have hooked a Steelhead in less than 8 inches of water. Last season I had a birds nest and after I fixed it I started reeling my line in (which had swung in close to the edge). About 5 ft into the retreive I see a wake and a Small 6 pound hatchery grabbed my colorado and put up a great fight before being landed and released. I couldnt beleive that a Steelhead would have its back out of the water after all I had heard of them being spooky, etc. Ever since then I fish ALL water that looks like it may hold a fish, even if it is only 8 or so inches deep, you may be surprised what you learn.
I would say in these conditions right now since there is not much vis... Tailouts around 2-3 feet deep and the edges are the best bets. You will also probably find quite a few in slicks. In the upper I am fishing chop as the clarity is much better, but it does not have to be deep to be holding fish.