Well it was definatly a beautiful day to be out on the river even if the fishing was slow. Searun17, his son guppy and I started our day on the lower river in hopes of finding a hatchery but after a few hours and alot of walking the river we all came up empty. We then decided to move to mid river where we found some really nice water. We all spread out to fish our own runs and on the first cast on the run I was fishing I felt a tug and float down, I set the hook but came up empty. I threw a few more casts in with different offerings but it did not come back. Even searun threw in some freshly pumped ghost shrimp and still nothing. After a couple of hours and more walking it was time to call it a day and head up to the BBQ where we saw that only one fish was weight in so we did not feel so bad. After some good eats and conversations it was time to head back out for another couple of hours of fishing. Good thing we decided to fish again as the first run we came to I finally connected with a fish today on a blade. Did not put up much of a fight as it was not all that big but it sure feels nice to have a fish on. Tailed the wild doe of about 7 pounds, took a couple of pictures and gently released her to finish what she came for. All in all it was a good day