That is the beauty of the cultural diversity we find in Canada. Different cutlures appreciate different things, and this also goes with fish species and meat texture preferrences. For example, Asians like smooth, soft, oily texture meat or fish like Rock/Ling cods, snapper, soles/flounders. Some learn to appreciate salmon but they do not like drier, stronger or flaky texture meat, nor fish meat with a strong flavour like salmon does. But they may like salmon as sashimi/sushi but not bbq. In chicken, for example, most Asians like the dark meat, even the gut but not the white meat (for the same reason in texture preference). They are used to bony fish such as carp, perch, cat fish or even the infamous snake head (which is a very pricey fish considered with medicinal value in its meat). So there will be no surprise if they like Pikeminnow. There are of course exceptions in every case, and that is why we see Asians going after salmon.
When I was in university in the states, a fellow student from continental USA told me they don't eat any chicken wings and was abhored to see us eating that. Go figure. I should have found out exactly where he was from and went there to pick up all these throw-aways from chicken farms and make a killing in profit in the Asian markets.
In this age and open society, it is best we keep an open mind and learn to appreciate or at least show respect for cultural preferences.
With shows like Fear Factor, what else is off limit as far as eating goes.