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Author Topic: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?  (Read 35735 times)


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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2009, 07:47:02 AM »

You guys are out of your minds if you really believe Carole James is a better alternative!!


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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2009, 06:09:57 PM »

Hydro power is great, in my opinion....also wind and solar are sweet too...i even charge my trolling motor battery with a mini solar panel i keep in my boat...but why private? why "rent" or even "sell" a public resource instead of having total control of how its run? in the event that B.C. hydro pisses us all off, which has happened in the past, there are ways to pressusre a crown corporation effectively...a private company has rights that can be equal to the publics at times, especially a foreign owned private, or one that has foreign investors.

make it public, then we can have a certain amount of control and sovereignty over our waters...public isn't perfect, but its better than the alternative...


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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2009, 05:38:18 AM »

You guys are out of your minds if you really believe Carole James is a better alternative!!

So we should just be happy as we sit on our duffs and watch the province be sold for a few trinkets. BRILLIANT!.

How many lies are we willing to accept?
The BC Rail whopper?
The "" 2 fish" that have escaped from fish farms?
"I will not tear up legal contacts"( How many millions did that lie cost?)
Open and transparent government? yeah right.
Closing seniors homes?
Shutting out municipalities by overriding their choices?
Not allowing BC Hydro to develop power generation?
Huge raises and a gold plated pension plan for MLA's but squat for minimum wage earners?
Tax cuts? ( Top 2% income earners got the most)
The carbon tax? (Try living up north)
Pay and play parks?
The highest rate of child poverty in Canada?
Increasing tuition fees so that education is unaffordable to the average family?
Guaranteeing loans to private companies to build bridges?
The Convention center over runs?


This is only what comes to mind. There's bushels more.

Time for a change.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2009, 06:27:18 AM by Novabonker »

chris gadsden

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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2009, 08:35:19 AM »

You guys are out of your minds if you really believe Carole James is a better alternative!!

So we should just be happy as we sit on our duffs and watch the province be sold for a few trinkets. BRILLIANT!.

How many lies are we willing to accept?
The BC Rail whopper?
The "" 2 fish" that have escaped from fish farms?
"I will not tear up legal contacts"( How many millions did that lie cost?)
Open and transparent government? yeah right.
Closing seniors homes?
Shutting out municipalities by overriding their choices?
Not allowing BC Hydro to develop power generation?
Huge raises and a gold plated pension plan for MLA's but squat for minimum wage earners?
Tax cuts? ( Top 2% income earners got the most)
The carbon tax? (Try living up north)
Pay and play parks?
The highest rate of child poverty in Canada?
Increasing tuition fees so that education is unaffordable to the average family?
Guaranteeing loans to private companies to build bridges?
The Convention center over runs?


This is only what comes to mind. There's bushels more.

Time for a change.



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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2009, 09:29:47 AM »

I apologize if I seemed verbose or rude in the above post, but there's way too many issues that need to be raised and heighten some awareness about. My adopted home is being sold off in increments.
One other point- Where does NAFTA sit in the "ruin of the river" projects? It could end up with us losing everything to out of country companies and having no control over our own resources. Wake up before it's too late.


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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2009, 04:45:45 PM »

Bottom line here folks is "WE are a net exporter" of energy. TO the sum of almost 1 billion dollars into our govt(us)
every year. We dont need ROR projects that "CANT STORE ENRGY" ???

Our existing dams can be upgraded to boost our reserves. Don't fool yourselves ROR projects are for one thing only
and thats the US market.

Let them screw up their enviroment not ours.

Carole James is certainly a better alternative than  thiefing Gordito.

Novabonker is right through NAFTA we could lose control of our resources. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!




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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2009, 06:49:35 PM »

OK here is a thought. Post up what solutions the NDP has put forth. Do they even have a solution? All I hear from Carole James everytime I see her is how bad the Liberal government is. She never has an answer for anything. She is all talk but no action. Thats all she has done since she has been the leader of the NDP party. Does she even have her own opinions? I usually vote Liberal and this time I have mixed feelings but I will not vote NDP as long as she is the leader. If the NDP is to be taken seriously they need a strong and vocal leader with strong opinions and solutions in which she does not.

I have sent emails to both parties in regards to my concerns in the things that matter to myself and my family. In all my emails I always got responses back quicker from the Liberals ( even a couple phone calls from them ) 

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chris gadsden

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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2009, 08:12:46 PM »

Brian did you ask them about fish farms, run of the river projects, cut backs in the Ministry of Environment or the CNR sell off?

If so I would be interested in what they said.


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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #23 on: April 06, 2009, 08:58:06 PM »

Do they even have a solution? bbronswyk2000

All I hear from Carole James
Does she even have her own opinions?
I will not vote NDP as long as she is the leader
I usually vote Liberal
....Sounds a bit bitter especially toward women. Lighten up and maybe even vote against your gut instinct. You might be pleasently suprised. :)
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #24 on: April 06, 2009, 09:11:12 PM »

OK here is a thought. Post up what solutions the NDP has put forth. Do they even have a solution? All I hear from Carole James everytime I see her is how bad the Liberal government is. She never has an answer for anything. She is all talk but no action. Thats all she has done since she has been the leader of the NDP party. Does she even have her own opinions? I usually vote Liberal and this time I have mixed feelings but I will not vote NDP as long as she is the leader. If the NDP is to be taken seriously they need a strong and vocal leader with strong opinions and solutions in which she does not.

I have sent emails to both parties in regards to my concerns in the things that matter to myself and my family. In all my emails I always got responses back quicker from the Liberals ( even a couple phone calls from them ) 

Well maybe you would see some action if the NDP was voted in? Hmmm..Liberal solutions lets see PRIVATIZE. Well Yes the Liberal govt IS BAD ! Too bad you cant see further down the road
then one woman. The way I look at it is she is what we have and if you at all care about this provinces you cant do any worse than Gordo. IF you want to wait for just the right charasmatic
leader might be a while. Reality is shes the leader and one should look at the OVERALL picture.

I can guarantee one thing vote the Liberals back in and kiss the fish goodbye.

Just my 2 cents



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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2009, 09:12:15 PM »

Do they even have a solution? bbronswyk2000

All I hear from Carole James
Does she even have her own opinions?
I will not vote NDP as long as she is the leader
I usually vote Liberal
....Sounds a bit bitter especially toward women. Lighten up and maybe even vote against your gut instinct. You might be pleasently suprised. :)

Ya bitter towards women. What a smart comment. Lets see my best friend is a women ( was my mother who passed away from cancer at 56 years old ), my wife is a woman, my clients are mostly women. Way to be observant troutbreath.

I dont judge anyone of any race, color or sex. I take people at face value. A spade is a spade. Maybe with your insight you can find out what Carole James has up her sleeve. You have any information that might make myself or others change their vote who dont buy what she is selling?

I am a small business owner and dont trust the NDP with the way the economy is right now. The Liberals have helped the small businessman a great deal by cutting taxes substantially. That is the bottom line right now, if we dont have money their is no food on the table for my wife and three kids. Do you have kids? A wife? People you need to take care of? The election is not just about the fish or the rivers, its about much more than that.


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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #26 on: April 06, 2009, 09:44:27 PM »

Yes it is also about hospital wait times, lack of nurses, homelessness, cost overruns such as the new Convention Center, long lineups at the food banks that the public has to donate to in order to feed the hungry and Telethon's to raise millions to support Children's Hospital.  Patrick Kinsella's involvement in the sale of BC Rail while earning $297,000 is another bad sign especially as he has been involved in Liberal elections for the party. These are a few of my reasons I donot think the present government is doing a very good job. Some may differ and can defend these actions, I cannot.

As well never forget the health of our river systems and the fish are a strong indication of how good a job we are looking after these waterways.

No government is perfect but I feel the present one needs to be changed.

By the way I had a seat on a local Liberal riding Association for nearly 8 years, attended Liberal conventions and was sign chairman for the 2001 election.

I finally resigned about a year ago as I could support all I saw going on. :( :-[
« Last Edit: April 06, 2009, 09:50:15 PM by chris gadsden »


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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #27 on: April 06, 2009, 10:24:57 PM »

I respect what you say Chris and always have. I just think a person needs to vote for what is right for them. In this time of uncertainty I just have to vote where I feel it will help my family. I just dont feel that Carole James and her NDP party will help my family during these economic times.  You know how much I care about the rivers. I would have been to the cleanup this past weekend if I was on the mainland. I was always there when I lived there. I care as much as the next person ( were you at the cleanup Troutbreath? ) my family just comes first right now until we get out of the mess of the economy.

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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #28 on: April 06, 2009, 10:33:25 PM »

OK here is a thought. Post up what solutions the NDP has put forth. Do they even have a solution? All I hear from Carole James everytime I see her is how bad the Liberal government is. She never has an answer for anything. She is all talk but no action. Thats all she has done since she has been the leader of the NDP party. Does she even have her own opinions? I usually vote Liberal and this time I have mixed feelings but I will not vote NDP as long as she is the leader. If the NDP is to be taken seriously they need a strong and vocal leader with strong opinions and solutions in which she does not.

I have sent emails to both parties in regards to my concerns in the things that matter to myself and my family. In all my emails I always got responses back quicker from the Liberals ( even a couple phone calls from them ) 

To start with do you know how much public debt has increasedunder the liberals?9From 30 billion to 47 billion when we recorded surplus budgets) Have you taken a mortgage out to take a ferry? Why is BC Ferries no longer required to submit to public  disclosure? Why did I just have to wait 2 and a half YEARS for hernia surgery?( I darn near lost my small business over that) Who got the biggest tax cuts? (Hint- It wasn't you or me) Did you read the list of lies and deceit I posted above? Can I add raw log exports? Or the shambles the forestry industry is in? Allowing a tree farm tenure to be turned into sub dividable lots near Jordan River?  How about the "mining rights" that allow any company with the mineral claim to come on YOUR property and plunder away? The answer to the crime wave on our steets is reduce court services?The election gag law? Can you really support that?
Finally how about the denial that there was even an economic problem until it was rammed down their throats? Just until a scant few months ago, the Liberals were still claiming a surplus?

I too used to be a Liberal supporter, but I can't in good conscience give my stamp of approval to selling our souls for a few shiny coins. Also, I'm not trying to cajole you, but my goal is to look at what's gone on the last 8 years and really think if that record deserves another 4 years to sell us out.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2009, 10:57:26 PM by Novabonker »


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Re: Do you consider this a wake up call to what the Liberals are doing?
« Reply #29 on: April 06, 2009, 10:58:22 PM »

With my wife working on the mainland and me and the kids living here on the island I know all too well what the cost of the ferries are.

Anyways its been fun debating politics but if I want to keep my business going I better be going to bed. Gotta be up by 4:30am to teach my first class in the morning.

Just remember not to let these things bother you its all in a good debate. Life is too short to worry too much. Live life to the fullest each and everyday. I think I will take my kids to the local river tomorrow that is void of steelhead. It used to be a very productive river in the 80's

Good night

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