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Author Topic: The Thompson River.....a letter from S.Rice.  (Read 3828 times)


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The Thompson River.....a letter from S.Rice.
« on: April 26, 2009, 02:45:16 PM »

A letter that was sent to me to be posted...........................



     I have written and fielded a number of letters regarding the Steelhead crisis on the Thompson River.  I apologize for any who didn't get the response I received from Barry Penner.  I thought I had forwarded it to all concerned but it has been brought to my attention that maybe I didn't...I apologize.


      Please note in the letter Mr. Penners statement that they will continue to monitor the situation and maintain its current approach.

      As this seems to indicate we will remained close again this year even while most all involved, including many in the current administration can give NO...ZERO...ZIP...evidence that closing our sports fishery will enhance or even lengthen the life span of this valuable British Colmbian and Canadian resource. 


      PLEASE...let your local MLA and the Honourable Ralph Sultan know the a return to the OPEN until a closure is deemed by an actuall creel census (unofficial if need be) on the River determines we have a definitive closure situation.  We in Spences Bridge will be your biggest supporters if a substantial danger to the Steelhead occurs but until that time please let us not forget that small rural communities are challenges are more sever than ever during these difficult economic times.  Give small businesses in Lytton, Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Boston Bar, Siska, Merritt and Spences Bridge an opportunity to at least have one of BC's most generous and consistent tourist...the fisherman...vist our establishments.


      A committment to an OPEN fishery with a chance of closing...a policy that certainly never led to a the current policy a fair way to evaluate and make an intelligent decision about the length of the Steelhead season.  The Albion system is flawed chum fishery count which no one seems to say for certain how accurate it may be. 


     One last issue, interception.  Rob Bison mentioned the nets developed that have worked in the past.  They are a $90000.00 option to equip the entire chum fishery fleet according the governments figures.  Seems like a drop in the bucket to possibly address an issue that continues to be an elusive one.  At the very least the valuable data we would get from creatively addressing the interception issue would determine how significant a problem it really is.


      Thanks for everyones time and concern.  Spences bridge and the Thompson Steelhead are indeed fortunate to have so many passionate people on board.


Thanks again...


Steven Rice


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Re: The Thompson River.....a letter from S.Rice.
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2009, 11:44:55 PM »

As a past member of the "Spences Bridge Steelhead Advocates Societies," having heard all the bitching from special interest groups, when the suggestion was to reopen the two existing hatcheries. I ask "and your point is?"
Till the next time, "keep your fly in the water!"