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Author Topic: power bait lost its magic?  (Read 4522 times)


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power bait lost its magic?
« on: April 27, 2009, 12:11:46 PM »

I have been skunked several times this spring fishing power bait off the it because the water temperature is still too cold and trout hang out at the top?

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Re: power bait lost its magic?
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2009, 10:35:19 AM »

Some days they work, some days they don't. I was out on a local lake over the weekend, a father and his son was slaughtering the trout on garden worms while the other fishermen using power bait were skunked.


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Re: power bait lost its magic?
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2009, 11:06:46 AM »

FA is totally right. i used to fish with bait for trout and some days its all about what you have. now that i fly fish i can almost slways at least get one fish LOL but usually im out fishing the bait guys because my presentation is more realistic and looks like actual food. when i did fish powerbait i used a size 4 steelhead hook and i molded the powerbait around the hook so just the hook point was sticking out. i found the green stuff worked better then the other colours, apparently now there is a rainbow colour out that works great also (didnt have it when i used it) the reason i used a hook this big was to stop the fish from deep hooking. I see alot of people using tiny little hooks and missing fish lots  ::) use a bit bigger hook and they usually hook themselves. you could also try using roe (eggs in a jar) it has worked very good some days. dont limit yourself to 1 bait, i would take at least 2 but 3 would be better. I mean when i go out i have probably 50 different flies minimum  ;)
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Re: power bait lost its magic?
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2009, 10:00:40 PM »

many, many factors to take into account
If i am not hooking fish i will change things untill i find what they want to feed on and where in the water level they are feeding
Ok so i am talking fly fishing here but same principles apply
Change up your leader length and or size
as for bait
As Hook stated fly fishermen dont just take one type of fly out with them

When i used to bait fish for trout i would have cooked shrimp, power bait and roe or worms
each time out it seemed like something different worked better

another factor could be what sent is on your hands
one suggestion i have for getting a natural scent on your hands before you touch your bait
wash them in the muck and water where you are fishing and let them air dry

This is why this sport is called fishing and not catching
Its about man(woman) out witting the prey
Have fun out there


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Re: power bait lost its magic?
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2009, 03:16:50 PM »

I have already had one day this year and one guy was useing his "secret" single salmon eggs and i was useing jensen eggs and fishing not more than 5 feet apart and he was slaughtering them i didn't even get a hit. FRUSTRATING lol


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Re: power bait lost its magic?
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2009, 04:53:56 PM »

jensen eggs never seem to work in stillwater. they work alot better in moving water where the fish have to react alot faster and cant tell that they are fake and smell like black licorice LOL
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Re: power bait lost its magic?
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2009, 08:18:17 PM »

I was fishing a local lake today and a fish came up to the surface and grabbed my strike indicator
It didn't just nibble it, down it went for a second then popped back up
i guess it thought the fluorescent green was power bait :-\


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Re: power bait lost its magic?
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2009, 09:40:09 PM »

For a change of pace, throw on a little spinner. A little Aglia #1 spinner with a brass blade has caught stocked rainbow from Foley Lake to Rice Lake, and many in between. 

I used to head down to the local stocked lake near my work during the lunch hour, in my dress shoes and collared shirt, and catch fish on spinners while the Powerbait crowd looked on.

As the writer of Ecclesiates wrote "There is a season for every lure and bait"...or something like that.   
« Last Edit: April 29, 2009, 10:39:15 PM by clarki »


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Re: power bait lost its magic?
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2009, 09:56:12 PM »

"What works on the fish, works on the fisherman. As long as he has the cash to buy it"

troutbreath 2009
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Re: power bait lost its magic?
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2009, 10:23:15 PM »

Britguy - the stocked fish attack green & green/red strike indicators quite a bit. i have had them grab it so hard they end up getting snagged because they release my float so the hook comes to it. A guy at my local lake has gone as far as tying a dry fly in the colours of strike indicators and on some days he can slay pretty good with it but not very often. Im not sure if they think it is powerbait or not however they do seem to strike it fairly hard most of the time so i would think they think its something tasty  ;D I have also had a couple fish take the indicator and not want to let it go  >:( almost had one to shore one day it finally let go when i was reaching for it, i almost got hooked in the face when it let go as the hook was still 4 feet below the indicator LOL

I have stopped trying to figure out these stocked fish, there is just no steadt rhyme or reason to them. I have found a few things that work a majority of the time and just stick to those  ;) You know one of them flies i speak of  ;)
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Re: power bait lost its magic?
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2009, 10:06:00 AM »

Unless your talking about interior bows. Are you guys really discussing hand scents and what works best for stockers with no survival or hunting instincts....? The same stockers that eat pine needles and cigarette butt's? If something isn't working try something else. If for whatever reason they don't bite something right away it's usually because they have already seen it too much. It's not that hard


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Re: power bait lost its magic?
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2009, 05:23:29 PM »

Got 7 big gold fish in an indoor tank. Fish are 4 to 6 inches long.  They just love bran buds ceral & whole wheat spagetti....(hard to put on a hook) --------- Only thing I can think of that may work in BC lakes & rivers is put on a piece of "Chinese steam bun" on your hook.  Most fish will go crazy for it !!! .. think so anyways....................... ( may work like a "power bait") Happy Mom's Day to all the moms out there !!!!! Go Canucks Go ..... Go NDP Go.... ABC ---anybody but campbell--- (as other members have said HA!) "old shifty eyes".... long nose etc....