i was just kidding about the leader thing Rodney, why else do you think i added rolling eyes after it

I mean the Clearwater isnt a big river so a leader like that would not be needed, period.
you want us to answer his question?? well im sure we have asnwered it from our stand point. I did say target the trout and you will still catch some of the salmon didnt I ?
If i was there fishing i would be using Glo bugs, trout beads, salmon beads and things like that. of course i would be fly fishing. If gear fishing i would just drift with - small float, small weight (splitshot probably), small hook(size 4) and then wool in various colours cut very small like 1 big chinook egg.
there is some info for you. as to where to fish, I have no clue try exploring a map or get up there and explore the river. buy a backroad mapbook it will help you out loads.
Rod you make a valid point that the opening is slightly before the salmon start digging reds however they are pairing up at this time and some will be in full spawn mode im sure. If you are going to fish there keep your eyes peeled for fish that are doing their thing and try and leave them alone. If you are catching really dark fish (say 3 or so) then try moving to another spot because that spot is probably just all spawners or to shallow to hold fresh fish(i do this on the Vedder and other places)
I still strongly disagree with this whole thing but i can be the bigger man by ponying up a bit of useful info that may or may not help. Oh and one more thing if you do come across a very large pool dont be shy to toss big silver lures because chinook love them

or at least on the coast they do.