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Author Topic: circle hooks, kahle hooks and catch and release  (Read 2217 times)


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circle hooks, kahle hooks and catch and release
« on: May 04, 2009, 08:31:36 PM »

did anybody try this kind of hooks, on trout or steelhead ?
seems like they are better suited for catch and release because they hook the fish through the lip
there is a very interesting article about circle hooks


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Re: circle hooks, kahle hooks and catch and release
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2009, 09:31:52 PM »

Kahle Hooks
Kahle hooks were in use for live and natural bait before the short shank live bait hooks became popular. These are deadly hooks, not suitable for catch and release. They hook a fish much farther back in the mouth, often in the throat or gill area. These hooks more often result in gut hooking than other hook designs.

Use these hooks where a 100% fish harvest is desirable. In other words, if you plan to keep everything you catch, these hooks work well.


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Re: circle hooks, kahle hooks and catch and release
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2009, 10:13:13 PM »

in the article, it is mentioned that kahle hooks deeper that the circle, but doesn't produce the same damage to the fish and it's easier to release the fish; i mentioned them because some folks fishing for catfish say that
with circle hooks you dont have to set the hook (IF YOU SET THE HOOK YOU LOOSE THE FISH); if you like setting the hook then you should use kahle with the same results; probably you should hook the fish shortly after the bite?
