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Author Topic: The Wilderness Committee Handing the letter to Premier at Downtown Van  (Read 5902 times)


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Thought I would post it here as a reminder and so more people see it.

To those of you in Vancouver.

The Wilderness Committee will be carrying our letter with its’ 13,000 signatures to Gordon Campbell’s constituency office. They have built a salmon mascot, Tum Tum who will join them and will be also delivering their own petition with 33,000 signatures on it urging government to protect wild salmon from fish “farms.” I am hoping to be there as well.

When: Wednesday, May 6th, 2009 at 12 noon
Where: In front of BC government cabinet offices at World Trade Centre at Canada Place, downtown Vancouver

It is remarkable to me that there has been no answer to our letter simply asking for the laws of Canada to be applied and I appreciate the Wilderness Committee delivering this in person.  Many of you have received the same email from different Liberal MLA candidates saying that the Province is not allowed to interfere with the BC Supreme Court decision, but this is not accurate. In filing an Appearance they have given themselves the option to send lawyers to the appeal filed by the fish farmers.  They may indeed have decided not to fight the decision, but why then has Gordon Campbell not answered our letter?

I am hoping that we don’t get to find out.  We need someone in government who can answer a question asked by 13,000 people.

I learned this week that the U.S. Food and Drug Agency has a ban on importation of food products that have been exposed to the chemical Emamectin benzoate (Slice) that Canadian fish farms use to suppress their sea lice.  Fish farmers use this chemical in many places where people collect sea food to eat and despite requests never post notices to the public so we could avoid the drug. There is an article on page 12 in Pacific Fishing on this: <>

In a remote, wilderness so beautiful it captures your soul, I have raised my children on seafood exposed to a drug banned in the U.S. 

Alexandra Morton



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wow. after reading that i wish i could be down there to support them and not be at work. I pray that they are succesful. I also cant believe its banned in the States and not here!! normally from my observations alot of chemicals and additives are banned in canada before the states ever follows suit.

chris gadsden

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It was well covered on Global near the end of the six news this evening. It can be viewed on their web site I am sure. Also CBC should have it on their news after the Wash and Pitts. hockey game.

Of course the Liberals continue to show their arrogance and try to hid from the issue as they locked the doors when Alexandra and the others tried to deliver the petitions to Campbell's office in Vancouver today.

Well done by all that took part in the event today and thanks for keeping this in front of the public.


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Many of us may have received the update from Ms. Morton regarding today's event at the Premier's office at Canada Place Downtown Vancouver. The letter with its 13'000 signatures was going to be handed by Ms. Morton to the Premier or his rep. Unfortunately, they were not allowed to enter the World Trade Center building to his office and were told that no one was in the office,. They then proceeded to the other office on Cordova Street but I had to part back to work. So, I don't know if the letter got to the office.

Below are a few photos of the event.

I only fish on days that end with "y".

chris gadsden

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Go to the Global TV web site for the video story. It may be on the late news too.


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Supporters and members of the Western Canada Wilderness Committee (WCWC) who tried to present Premier Gordon Campbell with a wheel-burrow full of petitions were locked out of Vancouver's World Trade Centre on May 6.

The petitions included 33,000 signatures: 20,000 from people who demand the closure of open-net cage salmon feedlots, and 13,000 from people who want marine feedlots removed from wild salmon migration routes.

The group of roughly 30 assembled at Canada Place Wednesday. After a short presentation from the Wilderness Committee's Geoff Senichenko and salmon activist Alexandra Morton, the group continued to the World Trade Centre.

There they were met by a security guard who told them that he would deliver the petitions to the premier, but refused to let them in.

“I am accepting the petitions on behalf of the premier,” said the guard, who wouldn’t disclose his name. After receiving complaints from the crowd he responded, “There is no one upstairs for that.”

A second security guard emerged from the building confirmed that the group would not be allowed into the building.

Morton expressed her dismay about not being able to deliver the petition.

“This is 13,000 signatures and he won’t even allow me into his office to put this on his desk… he is treating us like criminals,” Morton said.

“This really surprises me,” said Senichenko. “This should be a public building, government offices are here and it should at least be open to concerned citizens communicating with their government.”

Kim Hickey, who is responsible for tenant services at the Vancouver World Trade Centre, said “We don’t usually comment on these kinds of things.”


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  • Sea Lice? What Sea Lice?

"Ugly and shameful" are the first words that come to me. Concerned citizens of this Province deserve much better than to be locked out and shunted away like undesirables. So much for being an "open" government. Shame on you Premier.

chris gadsden

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Received today.

Please view this Global News clip.  A government should be willing to listen to the public.  But the Liberals could not be more clear…they locked the door, left the people concerned about wild salmon on the street and suggested we take our concern to the NDP.

I went to Canada Place because we needed to know:

If re-elected on May 12, will the Liberals protect wild salmon?  We got the answer - No.
In this video Liberal Nanaimo-Parksville MLA candidate Ron Cantelon said wild and farm salmon can co-exist. Look at the salmon river next to you. There is no evidence this can or ever will happen (Ford and Myers 2007).  Humanity itself is threatened by direct exposure to diseases in feedlots.  The fish feedlots absolutely have to be isolated from the ocean environment.
Wild salmon are the backbone of the BC economy, but the BC Liberals are selling hundreds of rivers, in the same watersheds where wild salmon are hatching right now.  Farm salmon  -  need no rivers. 
Chief Bob Chamberlin has filed a class action law suit against the British Columbia Government alleging that wild salmon are being decimated by open net-cage salmon farming in their Territories, asking "Why doesn't government realize what's at stake?"
Connect the dots. This is the last time we get to decide if we want wild salmon.  I have always voted Green and hope to again one day, but on May 12, I am voting for the best hope my community has to survive …. NDP.

Please forward.
Alexandra Morton


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