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Author Topic: What I Don't Know  (Read 2146 times)


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What I Don't Know
« on: May 11, 2009, 05:19:34 AM »

I had the pleasure of attending a couple of the Brian Chan seminars that were held at Berry's this weekend. Now I've been flipping a fly for a lot more years than I've been alive a felt pretty smug about what I knew, figuring I was a journeyman that had a good handle on" how to" and this was more for my friend that is on the early learning curve.
Boy, was I WRONG.
What was imparted on the first part of the session was equivalent to 5 years of reading and trial and error. A lot of excellent knowledge and an equal measure of common sense, I felt truly humbled.
That man knows his stuff and I almost felt like a start up again. I only wish I had that as a starting point, instead of where I began. If you ever get a chance- DO IT.


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Re: What I Don't Know
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2009, 09:52:23 AM »

Anything in particular you'd like to share?


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Re: What I Don't Know
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2009, 12:22:22 PM »

Match hatch. Cast. Retrieve. ;D

That was the Readers Digest version ;). But looking for the drop offs, working the weed beds, using a depth sounder different retrievals for different bugs different insect stages and so much it made my brain hurt from spending years reading and field testing. Mr. Chan is a fine gentleman,very knowledgeable but he balked at giving me any secrets on ^%$# Lake ( Name withheld by request)

" Disclaimer - I am the most unlucky fisherman alive. It's very rare I get a bite, and then I usually lose it. This is despite having fished for over forty years, so PLEASE do not take any advice from me. The only aspect that's positive is my outstanding conservation record of the resource. They see me, they go away :'(
« Last Edit: May 11, 2009, 03:37:14 PM by Novabonker »