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Author Topic: What Is Your BC Election Prediction?  (Read 10738 times)


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Re: What Is Your BC Election Prediction?
« Reply #30 on: May 14, 2009, 09:25:10 AM »

It's always been my opinion that is you don't vote you have no right to bitch about the government, so whenever I hear someone complaining about the powers that be the first question I ask the is "did you vote?" it just amazes me how many people got so many opinions yet they don't take the time to do something about it on election day. It's discusting that less than 50% of the population votes in BC, voting is not only our right and privilege and it should be our duty! On another note, damn I'm pissed about the election results, if only more people would have voted conservative, we could of had a way better government.   :)

Fish Assassin

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Re: What Is Your BC Election Prediction?
« Reply #31 on: May 14, 2009, 11:15:07 AM »

The biggest disappointment from my point of view is that less than 50% of British Columbians voted. What a shame !

It's a sad commentary. Thousands of men and women have fought and died protecting our way of life. As Nosey said, don't complain about the government if you don't take 5 minutes to vote.


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Re: What Is Your BC Election Prediction?
« Reply #32 on: May 14, 2009, 12:01:39 PM »

I agree, maybe civics should be brought back as part of a high school education, or if you dont perform your civic duties, you lose your citizenship, or better yet, if you do perform your duties, you obtain a greater level of citizenship that gives you privilages, above the ordinary citizen.
Either way, your in...or your in the way... of democracy, and I'd say 50% of our voting population are just in the way of those that choose to exercise our democratic rights. ::)
"It seems clear beyond the possibility of argument that any given generation of men can have only a lease, not ownership, of the earth; and one essential term of the lease is that the earth be handed on to the next generation with unimpaired potentialities. This is the conservationist's concern"-RHB


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Re: What Is Your BC Election Prediction?
« Reply #33 on: May 14, 2009, 01:57:20 PM »

The biggest disappointment from my point of view is that less than 50% of British Columbians voted. What a shame !

It's a sad commentary. Thousands of men and women have fought and died protecting our way of life. As Nosey said, don't complain about the government if you don't take 5 minutes to vote.

Indeed it is a sad commentary when less than 30% of eligible voters elect the ruling party. In Australia laws make voting mandatory and they get 90% compliance. Maybe it's time to enact similar legislation here.


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Re: What Is Your BC Election Prediction?
« Reply #34 on: May 14, 2009, 03:13:22 PM »

I voted and voted NDP, knowing full well that the Liberals would get back in. I do sympathize with those who did not vote say their vote would make no difference; since when you have a dictator like Gordon in charge they are essentially right.

Now that Gordon will again exercise his Demi-God persona I say we throw out the fish and game laws and have a free-for-all since when he is finished we will have nothing worth fishing for anyway.
Till the next time, "keep your fly in the water!"


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Re: What Is Your BC Election Prediction?
« Reply #35 on: May 14, 2009, 03:17:42 PM »

Yes you are correct troutbreath. The trouble is our society and many of us just want to have more and more, a lot more than we really need or can afford. Our generation now seems to expect this and it will go on unabated, forever. Even though I am no economist this I believe is why we and the world are in the mess we are in, bigger is not always better.

Here in the Fraser Valley some of the present Liberal MLA's want more growth which means more food producing land is often taken out of the ALR so more development can take place so more people can move in. This in turns makes more money for some of their supporters that include developers, real estate agents etc..

We then have more people commuting on our busy highways which means we need more highways and new bridges (Port Mann ) to get them quickly to the Lower Mainland and Vancouver.

We then need more gravel sources to make concrete and asphalt to build these Gateway projects so lets get some from areas like Brown's Pit that threatens our aquifers and more aggregate from the Fraser River that threatens and damages vital fish habitat.

Now we have more cars on the highway emitting more greenhouse gases so lets put on a carbon tax so it looks like we are trying to do something to control this that is contributing to climate change. But we still must keep growing to keep our economy strong.

Gosh now we need more power for this growing economy and population growth so lets build IPP's on our rivers. If we build them where people cannot see them they will not see the damage they are causing to the environment. We also can call it Green Power!!

 We can also expand fish farms as we need all those jobs it creates and lots of money can be made by the companies selling these Atlantic salmon.

These farms of course contribute to sea lice problems that is effecting our wild stocks not to mention do we really know how safe these fish are to eat.

I could go on but I guess I am just crying in my beer also and I should move into some far away area where the fishing is good and become a hermit. I imagine many of you that read this will tell me this is what I should do but maybe I should start a BC Fisherman Party but the trouble with that is the fish and the environment can not vote.

BC Fisherman Party!!!! I was thinking the same thing myself.
Till the next time, "keep your fly in the water!"