Now, where is the border between bottom bouncing, flyfishing and by-rules fishing?
Let say i use a 3/4 jig dressed like a Christmas tree, is that bottom bouncing with a fly? Flyfishing with a weight? Pulling a plug?
If i attach a sliding float, is that float fishing?
There are no techniques being prohibited in the changes this week. If you wish to bottom bounce during this management measure, then feel free to do so like many will continue to do. The objective is to minimize interception of sockeye salmon. If you feel that your technique is not intercepting any or too many sockeye salmon, then go for it. If you feel that your technique encounters many sockeye salmon but believe that their mortality is low when released, then go for it.
If you're fishing with a 3/4 jig, it's called jig fishing. If you are jigging and encountering too many sockeye salmon, it's probably a good idea to stop and try something else.
If you are flyfishing with a weight, it's called flyfishing. If you are flyfishing and encountering too many sockeye salmon, it's probably a good idea to stop and try something else.
If you are fishing with a sliding float, it's called float fishing. If you are float fishing and encountering too many sockeye salmon, it's probably a good idea to stop and try something else.
Stop fabricating concerns and pretending to be confused by what DFO's definition of bottom bouncing is when one is fully aware of what DFO wants anglers to do. It's childish and embarrasing when anglers choose to be managed when opportunities to work as river stewards are widely available.
As I mentioned in a different thread, there's no point to keep attempting to convince others to stop bottom bouncing. Those who wish to do it after all the information is given, will continue to do it and feel good about it. At the same time, there's no point to keep justifying bottom bouncing if you wish to keep doing it, those who agree with you already do, those who do not agree with you will continue to disagree with you. When recreational salmon fishery closes completely because angling incompliance is so high that it becomes a problem for DFO's C&P, then it does not really matter who agrees with who.
And if you report something to dfo, let say some guys fishing with nets for sockeye are trying to sell something to you, how can you follow up to see what dfo does in the matter?
You request for a file number that you can refer to when calling back later to follow up.