According to some posters on Youtube one of the culprits is me.
Obviously they have never met me, as 'dumb and dumber' would fit in the pocket of my XXXL wading jacket.
Not that I would put them there as I have way too much respect for my jacket.
A big thanks to my buddy Paul for the youtube comment clarifying it's not me, but it really doesn't matter. After the initial shock of seeing my name and reference to FWR in the comments sections, I actually got a good chuckle out of it. Some people clearly continue to have a beef with this website, all because the hard work and accomplishments of Rodney, Chris et alles keeps reminding them of their own pettiness and insignificance.
That said, if Matt and RJ (dumb and dumber) plan on fishing the Vedder ever again, they better get some facial surgery.(after gettiing themselves a brain implant, of course).