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Author Topic: The Journal From Merrit, The Music Festivel, Making Money And Fishing  (Read 4274 times)

chris gadsden

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Welcome to The Journal on Fishing With Rod your top fishing web site in the North West for fishing information, tall tails, video's, fishing tips, discussion of environmental issues and much more.
With the dropping Fraser but still being too dirty for the liking of this bar fishing angler is was an opportune time to make the first trip to a Merritt Lake for 2009. I had a poor start on float fishing for Chinooks with only 2 hooked; one landed along with one kelt steelhead but must not forget all the nice northern pikeminnows landed through the 100 hours of trying for a few more early timed Chinooks.

I know it was not the best time to go lake fishing as the warm weather apparently makes the fish harder to catch. No matter as this angler is so inexperienced in fly fishing it would be a good chance at least to learn the art of casting. Plenty of time for bar fishing as the best is yet to come.
I have loaded the night before with of course too much gear and the Leaf Craft #2 is aboard too and we get an early start towards the Coq Highway and with Merritt only a little over 90 minutes away. It was nice not have to pay the toll but one knows we are paying in some other way.

Traffic is light most of the way and I see and pick up a life jacket that has blown out of someone's boat between Chilliwack and Hope, anyone lose one there? I have lost a couple that way myself over the years.

After a pit stop for coffee at Hope we seem to arrive in no time flat in Merritt. When I get there the wind is really howling so thinking the lake I am going to fish will be windy too I decide to hang around town for the day. I take a look at the Coldwater River to see what kind of mess the Mountain Music Festival visitors have left but I was pleased to see it fairly clean. However bottles and tins litter the roadways and elsewhere so I decide to salvage a few.
As my sounder is on the main Leaf Craft I decide to buy a new one as they tell me a sounder is a must when lake fishing. A few bottles that will be taken to the bottle depot will help take the sting out of the pocket book and keep my wife happy.

I price the sounders at a couple of stores and pick one up for $149 I believe it was. That translates into 1,490 10 cent bottles if I calculate that correctly. There are lots of them around but to pick up that many there would be no time for fishing. ( by the end of the trip I take in $88 worth) ;D  I get tired of picking them up and just go for those worth 10 cents or more and besides I have no more room left in the Leaf Mobile. ???After the purchase of the sounder I assemble it.
The wind continues to howl so I go for a drive to the main stage area of the Music festival and find a Global TV truck there. I arrive just in time to see them broadcast live. As I freelance for the station I watch the live feed and film the reporting for fun on the video camera.
Global reporter Elaine Yong who is doing the report on location is having fun doing the live report for the 5 news live in the hurricane force winds. Part of the 3 person crew is running the pretaped interviews in the control truck while my camera continued to roll. Apparently all the excitement is the announcement that the festival may be canceled for next year.
Elaine and the crew complete their report and relax before they once again go live at 6 for the major.

Susana da Silva from CBC is filming a report also but they do not have the luxury of a satellite truck so Susana gets permission or they have a prearranged agreement to share their equipment or CBC will be paying a few dollars for the use of the equipment.

Susana is having a terrible time hooking her camera up to the Global wires and seems to be having sound trouble too. She keeps looking at her watch as she is 17 minutes away from the CBC 6 o'clock news broadcast. I snap a few stills of the pandemonium. The Global crew seem to be very cooperative and helpful. O the stress of television news. I have been there a couple of times rushing a story to Global in Burnaby through heavy traffic in time for a news time then helping cut the tape in the control room to make the deadline but they always seem to make it.

I check myself as I am here in Merritt to lake fish and relax, not get caught up in other things so I leave the Global and CBC crews to their reporting as I retreat to The Home Restaurant. I enjoy a leisurely meal and then to the Leaf Mobile Motel for the night as day 2 of The Journal is only a few hours away.

To be continued....
« Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 01:43:25 AM by Rodney »


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Ah, love to read that journal, Chris!  Keep 'er coming...

Fish Assassin

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That translates into 1,490 10 cent bottles if I calculate that correctly. There are lots of them around but to pick up that many there would be no time for fishing. ( by the end of the trip I take in $88 worth) ;D  I get tired of picking them up and just go for those worth 10 cents or more and besides I have no more room left in the Leaf Mobile. ???

I was in Return It depot last week and the guy ahead of me returned $44.00 worth of empties. I can imagine how many empties $88.00 would be.


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mountainfest sure isn't what it used to be.... you would be able to pick $88.00 worth of empties from one campsite!

chris gadsden

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Ah, love to read that journal, Chris!  Keep 'er coming...
Thanks Tex, 3 more segments from Merritt and then yesterday's bar fishing trip too. ;D ;D

Pictures coming shortly and maybe a video or two on u tube. ::)

chris gadsden

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mountainfest sure isn't what it used to be.... you would be able to pick $88.00 worth of empties from one campsite!
How many did you drink? ;D ;D I only drink when the Leafs are losing, no comment on that FA. ;D ;D

Fish Assassin

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How many did you drink? ;D ;D I only drink when the Leafs are losing, no comment on that FA. ;D ;D

You must be a full pledged member of AA now. ;D ;D


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How many did you drink? ;D ;D I only drink when the Leafs are losing, no comment on that FA. ;D ;D

my father in law is a huge leafs fan if you ever want a drinking partner!!!!  and to answer your question 24-30 a day per person for the better part of 10 days!

chris gadsden

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Tuesday morning sees an early start for me and I first grab a coffee at the local Tim Horton’s to shake out the cobwebs.
I am pleased to see the wind has died down some overnight  so I am looking forward to some trout action on one of from a box full of chironomids The Master has tied and provided for me the last couple of years. It is another thing of course to present them correctly and match the hatch of these intriguing water creatures.

The drive is short to my chosen lake and it is hard to suppress the anticipation of taking a rainbow on the light gear. Of course being a real rookie at this fly fishing thing I know I will not hook many but will be satisfied with whatever takes the indicator down. As well the Master has told me fishing in mid July is not the best time to go out but any day fishing is enjoyable. There are always pictures of wildlife and fauna to take and it seems something unexpected happens while on a trip for The Journal.

 I arrive lake side and am please I have the rugged camping area to myself.
I unload the Leaf Craft, set up camp and in an hour later I am motoring across the lake with the electric motor. I see a family of loons who seemed please to see me but they donot know I am not the best angler to wait beside in the hope of stealing a rainbow trout or catching a tired fish after it is released for their dinner.

I see one clinker built boat with a lone angler rowing around the lake, most likely using a gang troll and worm combo.
The lake is like a mill pond and I anchor in about 7. 5 meters of water, that's what the new sounder says, glad I purchased it. I rig up a red colour chronomid with some gold colour wrap why that color? It was because someone said to use it, good enough for me. I am not there long when all of a sudden I hear the line screaming from the fly reel. What's that as I am slow to react as I did not think I would be into a fish that quickly?

The fish had taken the stationary presentation. It puts up a spirited battle and I film as much of the action as possible. Feels good as I have not had a fish on for a few days of fishing. I pop it in the net and I think I will keep it for supper but as I bring it aboard I see some eggs coming from its vent. It's a bit colored but I did not think it would be a spawner. I then decide to release it. I regret I had not bought my soft meshed net along to net her, beginner once again. I snap a still of the doe in the net before the 3 pounder is on her way to spawn but where will she going to find gravel in this muddy bottom? Maybe she will just absorb her eggs.

I am please to at least land a fish, the trip is already a success even though the fish will be called a spawner but the battle was rewarding. Both rods are back in action and about 5 minutes later, the other reel is speaking and another feisty fish is giving this angler pleasure as the video camera whirls.

It too comes to the net a few minutes after being hooked, another colored one, a buck that is a little lighter than his mate. A still photo and he disappears into the depths of  the lake.

Well a good start, maybe I am not as bad a fly fisher as I thought. That was the wrong thing to say as after a nap and back to the lake for the evening bite the indicators did not move one little bit.
I did not fish to dark as the thought of some venison hamburger gave fishing second fiddle. While I chowed down I hear splashing all around the lake. My though was, I will get you tomorrow, time is my ally.

To be continued as talking about chowing down, I have to do that on a ... but that is another Journal for under fishing reports.
 ;D ;D
« Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 01:45:03 AM by Rodney »

chris gadsden

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The night once again passes quickly and I have a very good sleep in the tent after a hard day of fishing and landing the two rainbows. There is a bit of a chill in the air at daylight is summoned from the darkness of the night. A fire in the fire pit is welcomed not only in the heat it offers but the brightness and crackle of it warms the soul.

Coffee is also enjoyed sitting around the fire even though the coffee maker is not working so hot water is poured through the coffee filter,  at least it tastes like coffee.
The aroma of deer sausage , eggs and with toast that is cooked over the fire on a  V shaped stick made from a nearby bush is hard to beat too.
I am so contend around the  fire and with a full belly, i fall asleep in my lawn chair. I only wake up as a angler who has been out  at first light passes by my camp site. He is from a near by first nation youth camp that is set up a mile or so away. lots jumping out there” he says. That stirs me to action some what as I tidy up camp and then go and pick up some garbage around the vacant camp sites, not much but a little.
I take a stroll through the bush and capture some wild flowers on film. I stumble on the F/N camp that is just stirring to life. Adults are sitting around their fire while the ladies are cooking up hot cakes, bacon,  and hash browns. They kindly offer me a  coffee, “its Tims “ one of the men sys. Thats enough for me to say OK. It sure tastes better than my make shift blend.

The y invite me to sit with them at the fire, I accept and one of them tells me the purpose of the youth camp. After a while the chap I am talking to rises. “We feed the elders first that have passed on” he tells me. Others and I too remove our hats as a lady puts a plate of breakfast in the fire followed by a prayer in their native language. Intersting tradition I think. Shortly after I thank them for the coffee and head back to my camp and out onto the water. Its 10:30.

Just as I get a little off shore and put the anchor down the fellow in the clinker boat comes by. “Anything yet I say” as my voice echos across the lake. “No only 3 small ones after a few days of fishing, let them all go ” he says.” Looking for lunch now” he adds with a chuckle. The angler has just got these words out of his mouth when I hear a splash and then I see his rod launched like a cannon. It flys out of the boat landing with a huge splash. “O no the now distressed anglers utters as the fish continues to jump and splash around. The poor chap rows like mad to try and catch up to the aerobatic fish. My camera  is capturing this embarrassing moment. The fellows gets one swipe at the surfaced fish but misses and its gone along with the reel in the 12 metres of water. ‘Should have rowed quicker” the now dejected chap says. I try to offer up some encouragement saying maybe if you put on a heavy weight you can catch on to it. I rig up to try and hook on but the weight I have is to light and I come up empty. The chap rows away  rodless and sad. I should maybe post the segment on  u tube but have not viewed it yet, but will and see if it has any entertainment value, a blooper for sure if I had filmed the rocket launch.

I move to the action of yesterday but in about 2 hours of fishing I have only one take but strike to soon or too late and miss the fish. The wind picks up, I head back to camp for a 3 hour nap. Maybe too much sleeping and not enough fishing but so be it.

After the nap i head back out for the evening fish and  once again I meet up with the fellow who lost his rod a few hours ago, he has someone with him. ‘Any luck with finding it” I ask out of courtesy. “yep’ went back and got the wife after we took the grate off our camp stove, made a great grappling hook, got it on the first pass and the fish was still there, a three pounder.” Well he did get lunch after all be it a bit late. I congratulated him and moved on. His luck of finding his rod did not pass onto me and I have to resort to a worm and a  Maple Leaf Drennan to coast a bite out of these now hard to catch fish. I guess The Master was right once again. I fish into the darkness before sulking back to camp dejected and quickly after, to bed.

I arise with new hope and head out early, just as the mist rises from the water, a few fish rise too but not onto my line. A couple hauling a couple of rods around with a gang troll are getting fish and when I ask them how they are doing they hold up a nice stringer of about 3 or 4 fish with fish up to 4 pounds. I may have fished a float and a worm but I do not think I would try a gang troll but that is maybe because I did not have one with me.  :-X ;D After a couple of hours I decide to pack it in, break camp, besides I need a better coffee than my lifeless coffee machine is producing.
The Leaf Mobile is loaded to the hilt with those hundred of bottles and tins taking up too much room. I mutter some thing like "should have left them where they lay for one of my copanion binners to salvage". Finally I am loaded gup my loot concealed under the Leaf craft.
The trip is short back to Merritt and the first stop is Tims of course, boy the coffee tastes great. I spend the rest of the day visiting the local library reading FWR, browsing in some stores and just chilling out. Another night is spent in the Leaf Mobile Motel and I get an early start home. The only incident is a car is overturned in the median by the toll booth. I phone the incident into 1130 news.

I arrive home early that morning and my wife is surprised to see me that soon in the day but I had had enough and besides the fish had got the best of me, but I will return to Merritt and to one of the hundred lakes she offers up. I will be up to the challenge. I post this early today as off to another adventure, another Journal. What will the day produce but I think I will tie my bar rod to the rod holder, one never knows do they?
« Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 04:46:35 AM by chris gadsden »


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Re: The Journal From Merrit, The Music Festivel, Making Money And Fishing
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2009, 06:55:09 AM »

Glimpse? Or Peterhope? :D

chris gadsden

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Re: The Journal From Merrit, The Music Festivel, Making Money And Fishing
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2009, 07:08:40 AM »

Glimpse? Or Peterhope? :D
Secret Lake. ;D ;D


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Re: The Journal From Merrit, The Music Festivel, Making Money And Fishing
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2009, 07:48:55 AM »

Ah - Blue.... ;D


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Re: The Journal From Merrit, The Music Festivel, Making Money And Fishing
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2009, 07:47:22 AM »

Who is the Master?