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Author Topic: Inhaled asbestos years ago.  (Read 15739 times)


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Inhaled asbestos years ago.
« on: July 24, 2009, 08:11:54 PM »

Although this isn't about fishing, I just want to let you members know that I ended inhaling asbestos years ago and I wasn't even working with construction and maintenance work.  At my workplace which was an office environment, people were removing asbestos and my supervisors didn't tell anyone about it and people who were removing it didn't tell us about it and there were no signs about it or anything.  I ended up walking past the hallway where they were removing it and I inhaled the dust.  Just this year, I had a x-ray and CT scan which confirmed that I was exposed and the damage has been done.

I just want to say that I'm really scared and I'm taking life one day at a time.  Sometimes in life, you never know what's will happen and life is unpredictable.  FYI, I'm a young guy and I couldn't believe something could happen to me like this.

Lastly, my employer tried to cover this incident up because they did not inform all other coworkers that it actually happened but I did tell a few coworkers that it did happen. No emails or letters were sent or posted about the incident from my employer. My employer sent a letter to me telling me that the air was safe and there was absolutely no risk because they were following WCB asbestos removal guidelines.  Now, after the x-rays and CT scans, they truly have proof that it did happen.

Can someone here give me advice? I already spoke to WCB and I spoke with my occupation and health and safety advisor.  What else should I do and should I be really worried?

« Last Edit: July 24, 2009, 08:22:30 PM by Long_Cast »

brood dude

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Re: Inhaled asbestos years ago.
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2009, 08:31:05 PM »

1 i would talk to a few doctor's to get the real got to know if you are in trouble.
2 i would not work for a company that holds their employees in such high regard.
3  if it is warranted you may be able to talk to an ambulance chaser and get some kind of compensation.
4 tell you boss he's a retard for putting people into that kind of position.if the employees were not told about it he didn't play by the rules.

what made you suspect that it was asbestos?

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Re: Inhaled asbestos years ago.
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2009, 08:47:20 PM »

brood dude,

It was asbestos because my employer confirmed that they were removing it.  Also, one of the guys removing it was wearing a full body suit with a respirator tank.

What do you mean by ambulance chaser?

I screamed at my supervisor for over an hour about the asbestos incident and she was laughing at my face. Her actual words, "Oh, well, you'll just have 30 more years to live!"  My supervisor at the that time was a total idiot! Her daughter was hit by a car when she was 13 and her daughter almost died and she was laughing about the incident when she told me the story.  She has no heart at all.

I already spoke with WCB and I'm still waiting for news about my claim.  I spoke with one doctor in emergency and he told me not to worry people who work in asbestos mines without mask should worry - pretty lame eh? My family doctor sounded really shocked when he found out my results because it was only one big exposure. 

I'm still working with the employer but at a different site. I have regular full time job and I can't imagine quiting unless I'm really really sick and I can't breath and dying.

I'm not about money, I just want to let others know that life is short, unpredictable, and be safe when you're at work or anywhere!


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Re: Inhaled asbestos years ago.
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2009, 08:59:58 PM »

Did you tell the doctor before the scan and X-Ray that you have been exposed to asbestos?

The reason I ask is because I have an inherent distrust of doctor. Just recently after getting a lot of blood in my lungs from a severe nosebleed I told one doctor that I smoke but did not tell him about the bleeding. His verdict, "You have large shadows in your lungs and I can hear wheezing and rattling sounds. I urge you to quit smoking immediately." He was so concerned that he wanted to perform cancer tests.

By the next doctor I said nothing about smoking, because I do not smoke,  but told him about the nosebleed. His verdict. "The shadows in your lungs and the sounds are caused by the large volumes of blood in your lungs." Four weeks later I went back for a check up. All the shadows were gone and so are the sounds. "Your lungs are in perfect condition." he said.

Sometimes if you tell a doctor about things that are considered a health hazard before the examination they make up their minds based to that, without further investigating other possible causes. I also could tell you a story about a doctor that read X-Rays based on preconceived opinions, this at one time in my life almost led to an arm amputation. Lucky I asked for a second opinion and the arm could be fixed.
Othmar Vohringer - Smart Hunting Strategies (SHS)


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Re: Inhaled asbestos years ago.
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2009, 09:11:51 PM »

I work in the construction industry and have been exposed myself to Abestos,the oldtimers used to sit on the bags of Abestos while eating there lunches on the jobsites working with the stuff before the dangers were known.Not everyone exposed to absestos will die of Asbestosis.There are proper W.C.B rules and regs for the removal of abestos.First of all the area must be horded off wth negative air pressure inside the hording so no fibres can escape and the persons removing the abestos must wear suits and self contained breathing apparatus (Scott Air) to protect themselves from exposure.I would go after W.C.B to lay charges against the company.Remember it is your right to refuse unsafe work.


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Re: Inhaled asbestos years ago.
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2009, 09:19:59 PM »

huntwriter, I've been seeing the same family doctor since the asbestos exposure which happened years ago. He told me not to worry but he made me get a chest x-ray. The chest x-ray showed nothing only because asbestos doesn't damage the body right away. It takes years.  He was a little arrogant at that time as he even said, "you'll in more danger from the air pollution in downtown!"

So, this year I had an x-ray done and he said to my face, "I doubt there will be anything." He was confident because he said I don't work in a shipyard as only shipyard workers or construction workers should be worried here in B.C about asbestos exposure.

Well, the x-ray results came and he just looked shocked. He spend almost a minute reading the report and told me that I need to get a CT scan or maybe even a MRI.  I was extremely shocked about the results that when I came home I was really depressed and anxious and I couldn't even function normally.  I'm a Christian, but I don't attend church anymore, so I just prayed to calm myself down. 

I truly believe that I need to see a respiratory specialist. I don't think my family doctor knows how serious my condition really is.


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Re: Inhaled asbestos years ago.
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2009, 09:24:45 PM »

Davis, so you had x-rays and CTs which proved that you were exposed? How long have you been exposed to asbestos and are you feeling the effects?

Honestly, if I knew that they were removing asbestos, I wouldn't work that day. As a matter of fact, I would have refused to work period if I knew about any asbestos removal at my workplace. My employer didn't tell me anything about the asbestos removal and I had absolutely no protection at all.  There were no signs or notices about the work being done.  It was asbestos dust and not visible fibres as when I walked past the area I couldn't see anything, then I felt the pain in my chest.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2009, 09:30:22 PM by Long_Cast »


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Re: Inhaled asbestos years ago.
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2009, 09:34:56 PM »

Documention is the most important thing. You'll need:

Dates the asbestos was being removed
Type of material being removed
Company that did the removal
Any safegaurds in place or lack of
If you were informed of the risks
length of time you were exposed
Clean up procedures during and after removal
reasons you were told for removal the removal
ventilation flow in work area
employers and your conversations on this issue
etc etc

Search the net for information on how to put this and other pertinent information together. Air quality testing and Air quality complaint type information as well as MSDS on the product being removed. Standards for removal and containment of asbestos. Also if there is any health issues and your not getting the support from WCB/Worksafe understanding of the appeal process is critical to getting proper compansation. If your in doubt about taking this on get a hold of a lawyer who deals with WCB claims by contacting the Bar Assosiation of BC for suitable councel.

Hopefully things work out and there are no health issues that affect you. That being said with this kind of exposure and the health consquences sometimes taking 30 years to show up having the documentation now will be prudent.
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Re: Inhaled asbestos years ago.
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2009, 09:45:40 PM »

troutbreath, I believe WCB have copies of the information of  -

Dates the asbestos was being removed
Type of material being removed
Company that did the removal
Any safegaurds in place or lack of
If you were informed of the risks
length of time you were exposed
Clean up procedures during and after removal
reasons you were told for removal the removal
ventilation flow in work area
employers and your conversations on this issue
etc etc -

because they received documentation from the company who did the removal and I received some of the reports which even confirmed asbestos dust particles in the air.  My employer was telling me that the levels of asbestos in the air was acceptable from the testing done while they were removing asbestos?!? Hmmmmm..... Acceptable??? One of my coworkers witnessed a huge explosion of dust from the vacuum they were using and it was released all over the hallway and I believe that was what caused huge exposure of asbestos.  I will probably contact Bar Association of BC for a lawyer regarding my situation.  Just curious, will WCB pay for my legal bills from a lawyer if I need one?


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Re: Inhaled asbestos years ago.
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2009, 09:46:30 PM »

Well said Trout Breath ,MSDS will give you all the info you need to know regarding the material you are working with and the employer must supply this.I have also worked in the shipyards on the coast and my foreman died of Abestosis at the age of 50 while I was working there.No i have not had any medical tests done as i have no health issues right now,I don't worry about it because it takes many yrs to show up in the lungs.


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Re: Inhaled asbestos years ago.
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2009, 09:50:35 PM »

My dealings with W.C.B on other issues have not been good.they don't want to pay for anything.That being said go after them hard.


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Re: Inhaled asbestos years ago.
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2009, 09:53:36 PM »

Davis, have you ever had a x-ray of your chest recently? I think you should get one if you haven't had one. I'm surprised that you have absolutely no symptoms at all.  I have chest pains, twitching, tingling sensations all over my chest and abdominal area. I told it to my doctor and he didn't disagree with me so I'm scared! It can take 30-50 years to show up. 


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Re: Inhaled asbestos years ago.
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2009, 10:10:59 PM »

Yes, i have had a chest Xray on occasion since my exposure to Abestos.I get bronchitis quite abit and for that reason have had chest xrays done ,so far they are clean.By all means if your not feeling well get medical attention,get a second,and/or a third opinion if your not happy with your doctor,get to the bottom of it.I cringe when i hear stories like these in the work place.I have learned the hard way through my yrs of work experience in the shipyardfs and in construction and have refused unsafe work on occasion,because i know better ,its the young guys who dont know any better that get taken advantage of.


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Re: Inhaled asbestos years ago.
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2009, 10:14:20 PM »

Davis, how long have you working in environments with asbestos? I'm surprised that you don't have pleural thickening or pleural plaques.  Did you wear a mask when you were working in the shipyards?


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Re: Inhaled asbestos years ago.
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2009, 10:36:58 PM »

lawyers will give advice first before they accept case, so there should be no charge unless compensation pending
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?